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MemberStanley, I did some research and basically you are correct in all ways. The $10,000 is the magic number for reporting money deposits or withdrawals….Of course when you fill out the “form” you are doing the necessary paperwork to satisfy Big Brother. However there is also a rule of $5,000 as you said IF they suspect something is wrong. I guess the only question is who decides what is “wrong”? Again I would agree with you, if you ask what is the limit without reporting they could well report your transactions if over $5,000.
I just moved $90,000 from one bank to another by cashiers check and I was not told of any reporting that would happen…..By the way Capitol One bank is offering 5% return on their checking accounts for one year then it returns to the (now regular) 3% …no min. balance free checking, debit card and NO strings attached. That is a deal we all should look into. I did!
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberYes maravilla…and that is why the world loves us/U.S. so much!
Europe has always loved us So Much (not)….
Here is a new Routers Report .Sunday June 3,2007
Putin warns he will point missles at Europe
Russia will once again aim its missles at Europe if the U..S/us plans to build missle defense shield near Russia’s borders goes ahead as scheduled President Valadimir Putin was posted saying on Sunday.
Oh yes the Good ol U.S. out to make friends and save the world from themselves. Interesting news report from the C.R. newspaper in a Very anti CAFTA article. Why should C.R. worry about the good ol U.S. they are, after all, the best of the Goood Guys (not)
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberStanley, I will research this topic and let you know. About the gun carrying….You can get a permit if the police will allow you to do so. You need a doctor’s letter. I asked my doctor to send one and little did I know that he did not believe in gun carrying and recommended that I Not be allowed to have a permit. The Police rejected my application…I took them to court and had 6 personal witnesses (including a man from their own department, a city policeman and others with good credentials and Won the case. The police then stated they did not care what the courts ruled they would not give me a license….and That was the end of that! They said they would expend any amount of money to stop me..Government agency wins every time in the U.S.
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberhello deb. I have made arrangements for a hotel in Bocas Del Toro as suggested by others. I am not wanting to spend a bunch of money either but a place called Hotel Olas. “” I have selected…it looks great and is $37.00 per night including taxes and breakfast. Not really cheap but looks very nice and fun. Also for the length of stay it really is not that much more over all. Looks like a fun and good trip.
Terry From Texas.terrycook
MemberMarvavilla….too bad the U.S. does not have the guts to enforce such a law for all the illegal people coming to the U.S. and sucking us Dry! I for one am sick and tired of the stupid “stick their heads in the sand” Americans and the entire U.S. government for such blatant disreguard for the huge waste in all the illegal allians coming to this country.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberHi guru…not to say that I am right, But I understand that the amount was reduced from $10,000 to $5,000 or to be safe $4,999., after 911. You can get $4,999 or less one day for say travelers checks and do the same the next day 24 hours and be off the target list of the U.S. Government. Sorry or if you choose believe another letter after this one, yes You are NOT free to just take money out of the country of the U.S. because “Big Brother” is watching out for US” They SAY they want to check any unusual cash movements as they may be related to Terriorist activity. I.E the Just announced attempt to distroy J.F.K. Airport and the gas lines that run through much of New Yorks city areas. At any rate they are checking on money transfers watching out for big brother.
Terry From Texasterrycook
Membermakohan….I am a total rookie on this side of the country but for what it is worth I have found a place called Cahuita..or actually Playa Cahuita. I am going to be on the Caribbean side of the country probably sometime in Sept and found a place here that is very reasonable. The place is called Sol Y Mar cabinas & Restaurant. I am leasing a very nice cabin with Hot water,mosquito net and fans…cabinas have a full kitchen with coffee maker, fridge, stove, sitting kitchen area. She has quoted me $175.oo for a month. I think this a fairly normal rate. You can see more about it at
Terry From Texas
I too am looking for a place that is less expensive than Puerto Viejo.terrycook
Memberhennalounge….I did the trip but as a single male did not have the guts or carelesness to go by car. I did however, go by bus and the trip was overall very good and only took 3 1/2 days. Crossing the border was easy and the trip was very pleasent. Go for it.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberAlvaro, Thanks for the info I am sure it will help others. I am sorry if you thought that I was involved with this deal. I was simply trying to point out that this questionable form of ownership exists in other parts of the country and to Read the Contract. I have been a Realtor and owner of Century 21 Cook & Associates for 30 years. I do not claim to know much about C.R. Real Estate but I have long agreed with Scott that you should do nothing with out a Good trusted Real Estate lawyer.. I also know about time shares as I just got done selling mine in Mexico. I never thought that would happen :}.
At any rate that is what this site is for, good discussion of Real Estate, and other C.R. topics. This is great for those of us who are thinking of moving to C.R.
Thanks so much
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberAlvaro…I know of a developer in Jaco that is building a similar development…you buy a “floor plan” and pay x 100,000’s and you have ownership…but when you come for a visit it just might be that “your unit” is being used by someone else and you are simply asked to us one of the other “same floor plan” unit for your stay. What do you really own?
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberdrummer Just called Frontier…they do not start until Nov. to fly to C.R. but they are giving out GREAT rates in the mid $300 range tt&l I can’t believe it. Unfortunately I am going in July :[
Any one going in the winter months Check this one out..also the phone recording said to go to their web site for bonus discounts..Maybe they will pay you to fly there :}..
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberdrummer…that’s what you think! I am getting prices of $635-800+ From San Antonio..TACA was $825 from Houston and I had to pay more to get from San Antonio to Houston. Cheapest I have found for me was $625 with a max return time of 5 months…Mexican Airlines…through a place in the Sunday travel section……1-888-777-4481 or 1-888-686-4848.. The actual ad shows the price of S.A. Texas to S.J C.R. $419.00 (come-on price) with all the taxes and fuel stuff etc $625. Best I have found…But I will try Frontier and let you know.
Terry From Texas….p.s obviously I do not work for this company but wanted to put in this caviat for Scott’s sake
Terry From TexasEdited on May 25, 2007 13:59
MemberDiego…I don’t think so I was in C.R. last year for 3 months Feb.Mar.Aprl part May.. on west coast…I live in Austin/San Antonio Texas. where is casa Roland?….I will be in C.R. in July for 5-6 months…found a 5 month airfare on Mex. Air…the cheapest I have found and most only for 3 months Max May just chuck it and stay for good.
Terry From Texasterrycook
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberSprite….Sorry but I don’t think Costa Rica is a Third World Country and I don’t think most would appriciate that description.
Terry From Texas -