Forum Replies Created
MemberGringoTico can you send me a personal email…I am thanks
MemberI am sorry but I do not understand all this talk about perpetual tourist stuff. If the law says you can go out for a few days and come back what is wrong and why is it a problem. If you live in Mexico you can come to the U.S. and apply for citizenship with out a single dime to your name…why does it cost $60,000 to get into C.R. and why says you can not go back and forth? It does not appear to be against any law or rule of the country. I am preparing to move to C.R. and fortunately have the 60 grand to put up but WHY
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberhennaloungs…I don’t know it isn’t even in my Barrons Spanish at a glance book…what the heck does it mean…trying to learn Spanish.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberThanks, this is a good idea…this is what this post is all about…and thanks to Scott for hosting a great site.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberThanks Scott, I all ready have the book but it addresses mostly from San Jose to other places and not from one place to another…but I thank you very much for your reply
Terry From Texasterrycook
Membersprite…I do know the Minnesota guys personally..I interviewed with them for a job. At lest the one I spent several days with seemed to be a very good and honerable guy. I do know that he said he was selling condos (pre-sale) before he recived the permission to build was offered and even offering for sale things on land that he may or may not have had an “offer” to buy on. He said he puts all earnest money in a title company and offers refunds or to switch to another of his several locations. I could not agree more with the rest however that you Should absolutely get your own attorney to check things out including the wording of the contract.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberGringoTico…I am working on my Spanish but it would be nice to be able to read this in English so I could help me improve my Spanish.
Terry From TexasEdited on May 24, 2007 09:49
MemberHi just saw your vidio and saved the site so I can watch all the rest…I thought it it was hilarious!..My wife just diverced me after 35 years of marriage (she is inheriting a mil and a half) and wants to enjoy it on her own.. My divorce was final last Friday. Any yes I am moving to C.R. to live out the rest of my years.
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberwhat did it cost
terry from texasterrycook
MemberMaravilla….I could not agree more with you. I am a Gringo by definiton But I was there for 3 months last year and am coming for 3-6 months to find a place to land for good. I for one was sick to see WalMart moving to C.R. They said they would keep things simple like they are but you can bet your boots they will have HUGE U.S Wallmart store in the near future. Yes it is the Gringo Gringos that will cause this to happen. I do not care if I ever see another McDs’ Pizza Hut or any other American food chain again. I will only live Tico style in a Tico House taking only life as it is offered by the local people. This is Their Country and I for one have no intention of bringing U.S. “crud” to Costa Rica. I for one also am sick of reading on this site where you can still find Condos for ONLY $200,000. This is the sick and proverse doings of Gringo Gringo American developers. Greed, money making and distroying the economy and make up of the local people….Yes it does give them jobs but I think the overall effect is as others have said on this site a disaster for at least many parts of the country
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberPeg, good idea…I did find last year for 3 months that if you just look around you can find a good and inexpensive place..If I need to start high and then move that is fine. I have 5 sections of the country that I am going to look at that I did not go to last year and already have found places that are clean and nice for $100 + or – per week and monthly rates that are even better. Your suggestion is a good one and I will keep this in mind…thanks so much
terry from Texasterrycook
MemberHi rf2cr…now we are geting on the right track…actually La Suiza information would be really great. What can you tell me about the town and the area. I am actually going to visit someone who live about 5 miles from La Suiza and this would be a good spot. I will probably stay for at least a few weeks as I have this spot marked as one place I may wish to stay permenantly….thanks and hope you can help me….Google after many attempts did not help at all….
thanks Looking for Cheap hostle single & clean or B&B or what ever is cheap, clean and safe.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberThank you and the one just east of Turrialbaq is the one I am trying to get imput on…Can not find anything on Goggle or anywhere else..maybe someone can point me to a site to get me started…
thanks so much
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberThank you for the replies. As I said Pavones on Scotts new fancy map is map grid I 15 smack in the middle of the country… and you could not surf there if you had too. That is my dilemma, like you all I can find is the beach place not the one near Turrialba South East of San Jose. Confusing isn’t it?
Terry From TexasEdited on May 17, 2007 07:47
Memberthanks genn789 I already know that what I was asking for was more information about the place as the only thing on google is the Beach site.
Terry From Texas -