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  • in reply to: Anyone been to Jamaica that settled in CR? #197408

    I am British born of JA parents and lived in JA for over 20 years before returning to the UK and I now live in the Middle East. My husband is British and we will be visiting CR next May on a fact finding mission to see if this is somewhere that we would like after leaving the ME.

    With regards to the JA situation, I have already done my home work and come to a definite conclusion about a number of things. Whilst we love the island and it will always be home for me and we love the west coast and if things were different we would consider relocating to the Negril area. Now the odds, high crime/murder rate, lack of environmental awareness, health care and general well being – with the later being of major concern. The level of corruption is very widespread and it is almost impossible to get anything done with paying someone off, and as a ‘foreigner’ you are a huge target. Real estate in the decent up and coming areas is seriously expensive and is no cheaper than Europe or the US, and all the houses have burglar bars and most well established people (private citizens) are armed with a fire arm for personal security. Armed police with high powered weapons are visible in a lot of the public areas.

    We don’t know what CR will be like, but we would like to live somewhere that is relatively safe, easily accessible, with good health care and comfortable standard of living. Where we live in the ME it is very safe, and we have grown accustomed to that and we would like to enjoy that same level of security in a more laid back atmosphere.

    On another note, I have read several articles about the Caribbean region of CR and the reviews have not been that positive. Reference has been made to the JAs that are settled there and it clearly indicates that whilst the vibe is nice, there is another side to it that is somewhat undesirable, and that it is far and remote from all the day to day necessities.

    I would love to keep in contact with you on a personal basis. If you don’t mind we could swap personal email addresses so we could keep in touch after your trip to CR,

    in reply to: Seasonal Allergies in Costa Rica #197048

    Thanks ever so much for your reply. I am planning to visit CR for 2 weeks next May, and for me that will be enough time to determine if I will react to anything. I was in the US this Apr for 5 days, and became severely affected by pear tree blossoms in Cincinnati and the pine trees in Florida. The purpose of my initial email was to find out from anyone who lives in CR if there were any particular plants or trees that are commonly known to affect allergy sufferers as CR is a tropical place and from my past experiences for eg Jamaica where certain parishes have lots of citrus, the orange blossom tends to affect allergy sufferers. Luckily for me at the moment I live in the Middle East and I am allergy free in that respect but suffer from a whole host of food intolerances which is a completley separate issue.

    in reply to: Cost of Living #195789

    Hi Jack

    Just curious, are you still in Dubai? my husband and I also live here and we are planning to visit CR next May on a fact finding mission to ascertain whether or not it is somewhere we would like to live in the long term.

    I am keen to know if you are still planning on moving to CR and whether or not you have made any further in roads with regards to relocation.

    We all know about cost of living in Dubai so I wont even bother to go there.

    We’ve been here for over 5 years now and have seen a number of things change dramatically, however the slow down in the economy seems to be slowing down the pace.

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