Forum Replies Created
MemberThis being Scotts web site he can post whatever he likes,but I see it the way route1mike does.The U.S. bashing is relentless.Many of us want change and don’t agree with U.S.policies and yes the U.S. still has more to offer than any nation on earth.What about the U.S. dollar,do you bash it or bank it?
MemberThe demonstration by the cr government of intolerance for these criminal behaviors will carry a lot of wieght.This is good news where ever you live,but those damn americans smoking and snorting up all the illegal drugs in this hemisphere is loco.Yes more people,more drug use.As an outsider looking in,I wonder why the drugs are brought to the costa rican shores for distribution through four more countries and then the us.There has to be a reason?:roll:
MemberHave you folks seen the latest news flash from media.BP’s containment cap is containing 10,000 barrels a day.Thats great,but what happen to the gallons.Are they using this deception to keep us from freaking out,well I’m freaking out with thier intelligence.Just another freaked-out american.right? no reply neccessary to the latter.:roll:
Member[quote=”soldier”]Pura Vida is a learning process, one that I am still learning. On another note, does Costa Rica have any lemon trees? I love lemonade, and in the many years of coming to Costa Rica; still have not had a lemon.[/quote]I can’t help you with the lemons but I can tell you that there is one prune on this thread
Member[quote=”sprite”][quote=”twin200″]The last several days I’ve seen a lot slander and bickering all across the board.versatile innocently stirred up a hornets nest.The next time I get lured into a thread concerning these topics I’ll stop reading long before scott stops me
You forgot to post the big yellow happy smiley face to go along with your saccharin sentiment.I tend to skip over the simple stuff and those themes which may interest others but have nothing for me. Playing children, homemade ice cream and folksy humor sounds great for a bible belt picnic site. It is not, however, what I seek here. Post away. Unlike you, I see no harm nor detraction from posts which don’t interest me. I even read them sometimes. There is room for just about everything here.[/quote]garr-lee bible belt picnic “sha-zamm”
Member[quote=”vmc”][quote=”twin200″]I left this thread a bit puzzeled last night.My examples of a few joys in life were in question as to what they had to do with living in Costa Rica.My question now is what do they not have to do with living anywhere in the free world.Could it be I’m in the wrong place(hope not).Should this forum only be for those who live in cr,part time retirees and visitors as I do not,am not and have not yet.VMC likes pie,I guess I’ll have some humble pie. NOT YEE-HAAAAWWW[/quote]
Ok, I’ll stray into deeper waters……..
We’re COUNTING the days until we make a huge leap of faith and uproot and move to Costa Rica, lock, stock and barrel.
I bet from your Avatar and forum username, that you are a water loving kind of guy……Well don’t let the lack of a direct answer to your posits befuddle you. We ALL have our reasons for taking this leap, ours are 1 part Political, 1 part Social, 1 part economical, and 97 parts, just plain being fed up.
We’re looking for more LIFE in our life and the American Dream as one member quite eloquently put it, is no longer in America, so there WILL BE Political discourse in a LOT of threads started by we Americans…We’re sickened by what has happened/is happening to our beloved homeland, and the lure of a beautiful land with an ideal climate to suit everyone’s needs, Scenery too plentiful to be taken in all at once, Friendly people and an economy akin to the US in the 50’s, before everything started to sour, is a powerful attractant. Have we even BEEN there yet? NO.
But in nearly 4 years of researching this idea, the idea to come to Costa Rica, I have talked to FREINDS who have been there, and made NEW friends who also answered their own personal call, and there is one underlying theme heard from everyone’s story and that is that they never want to come back to the US.
Sure, I imagine Costa Rica as a destination was just “Trendy” and to be held as a well-kept secret some years ago, but it now has also become the place to “Escape ” to for many…… Some who made the move don’t want their little apple cart upset, so they will niggle and pick at anyone threatening to invade their sanctuary, they will tout themselves as the self-appointed “Devil’s Advocate” and try to just piss you off in order to keep you away with their curmudgeonly assaults, and scream bloody murder when there is the slightest hint of political motivation to your plan to move, but don’t let that dissuade you, just keep your focus.
all of our own motivations aside, we just want to take life at a different pace, to ENJOY life a little and can’t find a place that offers as much as Costa Rica.
There are SO MANY people, a lot of whom post on this forum frequently that have found the peace they were looking for in Costa Rica, and what is interesting is that, and I’m painting with a broad brush here, they came to Costa Rica, and felt compelled to either write a book or start their own BLOG to tell the world about their experiences……I haven’t FOUND too many TENNESSEE blogs, or “How I escaped to the peace and tranquility of the US” books…it’s obviously a place that has an effect on people.
I could write for days about the things we look forward to, some can’t see past all of their personal hurdles with immigration, or traffic laws, or having one of the thousand little “Hassles” associated with becoming a resident, that all just goes with the territory, and whether or not they like it, all of these things, all of these hurdles and heartbreaks, triumphs and disappointments WILL come to the surface in a wonderful open forum, like Scott has provided here.
Like it or not, these things are vital to the next guy coming in on the banana boat, some experiences may suck, but hearing about it might just save the next guy a lot of grief….. If looked at from the proper perspective, these things MUST be allowed to come into the light, and we need to take it all with a grain of salt, glean from it what helps us and let the fur fly if that is the case, as there are some who just need to fight or bicker about things…they must be bored or something.
So to you, I say, keep plugging away…..I almost GUARANTEE that any questions you have will find their way into these pages, even if you don’t ask them yourself, read everything you can find….I’d love to show you our collection of Costa Rica literature…..books, maps, pictures, etc…. What an adventure!
I hope my novel here has come closer to addressing at least SOME of your curiosities about the goings-on on this forum…there are a lot of very nice people, who spend a lot of time trying to share their world with us….I too got caught up in some of the bickering of at least ONE antagonist, and I have become less vocal and more moderate since then….go find your antagonist, or better yet, your MENTOR and keep asking about this place, and oh, by the way…I SUSPECT that his is something of a “Boater’s Paradise” around here…..get yourself down there for cryin’ out loud..
Please forgive the protracted “Short” answer..
Dan.[/quote]well thought out VMC and very accurate.I would like to add that it has become down right agonizing to watch the country I have embraced all my life going in so many different directions.
MemberI left this thread a bit puzzeled last night.My examples of a few joys in life were in question as to what they had to do with living in Costa Rica.My question now is what do they not have to do with living anywhere in the free world.Could it be I’m in the wrong place(hope not).Should this forum only be for those who live in cr,part time retirees and visitors as I do not,am not and have not yet.VMC likes pie,I guess I’ll have some humble pie. NOT YEE-HAAAAWWW
MemberNo apologies here for being a simple man.You can add sharing recipes to children playing also.
MemberIn response to post from versatile.Yes,these birds are very clever.I built a pen that I felt was to large to cover.So with the lightbulb dimly lit I constructed a series of grid lines from 2 inch wide nylon tape leaving spaces of about 20 inch squares.Upon completing my task at hand I stepped back,crossed my arms and assured myself that I had out smarted these peabrains(I mean peacocks)The next mourning I’m eager to go check on them,but they were at the back door taunting me.At this point I’m quite verbal($#*”&!!!)but I can’t recall if I’m talking to them or myself.Upon my inspection of the pen,there were no damage to the grid lines,the wire was secure and the door still latched.There was no way they could fly out(absolutely,positively no way to fly out).After getting a couple of them back in the pen I watched.I had used rigid 2 inch wire and in the corners I used wood braces from the top of the corner post back to the ground at a 45 degree angle.Around the top of the pen to support the wire I used half inch wire rope.this rope is very strong.Well in about 30 minutes thier magic act begins.They would grab the wire with thier beak,walk up the wooden brace,then once at the top(8 feet)simply step onto the strong wire rope I installed and hop down.This trick was figured out in a few hours.It took me 2 days to build the grid lines.So who’s the peabrain.Although it wasn’t humorous at the time,I hope you enjoy this story
Memberpeafowl don’t need vast range,most of the time they will be within eyeshot.when you bring them home they should be put up for a while depending on their peafowl relased in unfamiliar territory most likely will start walking and keep walking.But pen them up for a few months then place food in a few different areas.A peacock needs a peahen or he will hit the trail in search of one.Once your peacock is established in his new home and has one or more peahen and food and shelter’HEY he’s a happy bird.He is not going anywhere and the hens will stay with him.Although they will roost in the trees at night they love to get in old buildings,barns,ect.One note on young birds is they can get worms.We use a product called wazine 17.Any poultry or swine wormer should be fine.Just be careful with dosage,for example,a 16oz of wazine will treat 800 turkeys.The birds also take 3 years to mature,so be patient with young birds.Good luck and enjoy
MemberDomestic peafowl have been known to live for 40 years in a coconut free enviroment,not only are they attractive but very helpful with insects.they love small pieces of dry cat food,but I don’t encourage feeding close to your house.They can also be very messy.Almost like a small dog(really)
MemberI am curious about your inquiry also.Do you a have the sources to obtain the birds in cr.or are you planning on importing eggs,hatchlings,peafowl.I’m thinking importing would present a problem.I hope not cause I also have a passion for the magnificent bird.Right now my 3 year old indian blues are worth $250/300 a pair
MemberWell the last two post were reasurring,but to poison my animals would be regarded as a personal attack.I know there’s not a perfect anywhere with deer drinking from a babbling brook,birds singing all day and little bunnies hopping around.Having said that,I find the two peninsula’s interesting.Would anyone know if either is suitable for small farm.Are they accessable with water and power.I’m asumming the osa peninsula is less developed.Also wandering about the climate in these areas
Membercostaricafinca I appreciate the info.The best thing I have done so far was join this site so thanks to scott and all of you.The inside intel is invaluable.The notion of moving to cr started about a 2 years ago for me,but serious only recently.I was reading such good things about the ticos and expats.wonderful people.This site is a testiment to that.Then once I scratch though the surface I’m hearing the opposite souch as sqatters.Ireally thought this was bull butter.also breakins,robberies don’t go out at night,dressdown,drive a crappy car,keep your dog inside and the best one was always have some cash on you to possibly avoid a but whipping.See I thought I could visit a few times shopping around,find a property,make the deal and assuming this went without a hitch return home to resume working a small construction co.I thought this would be beneficial for the transition on both ends.But seems to be a bad idea to leave property unattended even its I’ll just reconsider my approach to this endeaver.I still would like to do some farming as like you.Was planning on spending lots of days on the pacific(southern coast).Do you have pirates as well arrrrrrr
MemberI am wondering why growing teak would be a fad. I understand central american trees are not as valuable as south east asia, never the less valuable.Do people give up on this because of the time involved.Maybe this trees are worth less because of early harvest.A 10 year old tree is not worth half as much as a 20 year old.I have read in asia some trees are not harvested for 50 years(gold).So if had a teak farm in cr and allowed the trees to out live me, would my children inherit the farm if they were not cr citizens. One more thing,I would be glad to send you what ever kind of seeds you want(I mean vegetable seeds) try pollo droppings with the northern maters