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MemberRebecca, Good point… The difference I see between the Vietnam and Iraq Wars is, despite limited air time, we had nightly reporting of the conflict from journalist. Not 24×7 flag waving pundits on corporate payrolls. Kids were being drafted, not volunteering. Even though I’m against the draft, it would likely light a fire in the anti-war camp…
MemberRebecca, The VA botched his first surgery, but he’s doing much better now. Considering he’s one of the lucky ones, he’ll still sport an artificial knee the rest of his life and god knows what nightmares.
We tend to vacillate between being part of the problem and the solution… Vote along party lines. But, party lines won’t pull us out of this nose dive and single issue voters are easy prey for politicians… Until we set aside our single issue differences and find common ground, we’ll continue to be lead by the ring in our snouts. Regrettably our public servants have become “company property” not “public property” as you correctly stated…
MemberMy daughter just returned from an annual wounded Marines ball with her fiancée in San Diego. Six weeks after arriving in Iraq his Hum V was hit by a roadside bomb. He and the young man that road in the back suffered severe leg injuries, his two companions riding up front didn’t make it… Her account of the ball is one of disfigured young men and broken spirits.
These are proud brave kids, we’ve let them down. We need to stop this neo-con gravy train, take back our republic, prosecute the traitors and care for our wounded…
MemberSprite, A poem from me to you our athiest pen pal…
The road(s) to heaven/utopia are littered with scriptures and manifestos
Once you reach your summit you’ve only caught a peak
Heaven/Utopia lies well beyond that point
Your eyes and feet won’t get you there
Words will only take you back down
To pick up its scent you’ll need other senses
A sherpa can’t lead you
A man can’t carry you
Death merely returns you to base, where you can set out again
If you can carry one thing on your next trip
Don’t bring food or drink
Carry a note reminding you
The frozen relics and bodies you’ll see are evidence you’ve been there before and failed
Most importantly, you’ll know you’ve come to the right place
Only when friends and foes are there to greet you
Only then will all the summits become one
Deny the summit exists and you’ll continually wander this illusion we call life…🙂
MemberSprite, I found some of your “cultural boundry enforcement” in the news today…
19-Year Old Saudi Rape Victim Ordered to Undergo 200 Lashes
MemberRebeca, thanks for the kind words.
It’s the sum of the parts that makes this a great site…Cheers
MemberSprite ??? These Cubans you “respect” so much would if not for Fidel, I quote , be “producing only baseball players and tourist post cards”…
It seems like you respect them, as long as they abide by your vision of how things should be… If not you degrade them… Boo Hiss……
MemberRoark, you may be right… Thanks for your post… Keep them coming.
MemberRoark, I knew we’d agree on something…
The last line is trite bumperstricker material but they’re still both bums (no offense to bums intended)upeCity
MemberSprite, how many U.S. ball players are hunted down by the U.S. secret service and brought back against their will (zero)? Is this part of what, “The Cubans are trying to accomplish”. By the way you failed to address that pesky inner tube thing… Or is that another anecdotal story.
Your barking up the wrong tree here… You’re tagging all Miami Cubans as right wing fascist and Island Cubans as model socialist victimized by bad press… You think showing up at Varadero Beach popping back a few mojitos, maybe delivering some medical supplies makes you a credible witness to the Cuban condition. Take a cab ride in Anytown, Latin America. Tell the cabby your Cuban, then sit back and hear the most wonderful winded stories about Fidel and Cuba. They love Fidel because he has stood up to the “Imperialistas” not for his accomplishments. When he’s dead they’ll praise Hugo Chavez for the same reason…
I share very few political views with my Miami brothers… But, whether you’re a hardcore “fidelista”(left) or part of the “Miami Mafia”(right) as Fidel calls them. They all agree on one thing. Things have gone terribly wrong for the Cuban people and quite nicely for “El Comandante”…
You might want to visit the Amnesty International 2007 Report on Cuba…
They seem to disagree with your Rosie Picture.Come on Sprite, your better than that last post… There are plenty of good causes… Fidel is not one of them… Here’s a list of 71 Cuban prisoners of conscience
Pick one… BTW, they won’t be staying on Varadero Beach or sipping Mojitos…upeCity
MemberDitto, “El Che” the tshirt is a seductive pop icon . “El Che”, the idealogue was a passionate leader. But, “El Che’s” actions enslaved the very people he pretended to free… My father was jailed for selling his own furniture… My uncle was sent to a concentration camp, for requesting an exit visa… When my uncle arrived in Miami 3 years later he looked like a holocaust victim…
Imagine your in the states and you declare your intentions to move to Costa Rica, the government takes your engineering job seizes your remaining property and sends you to a “work camp”.
Would you still wear his tshirt, plaster his face on public buildings and billboards?Che started down a wonderful path full of promise and virtue. He then helped dragged an already battered nation into 50 years of hell… Why do thousand risk their lives and those of their kids to across the Gulfstream in inner tubes… Are they running from Che’s utopian dream or his inferno?
“El Che” / “Bush” Same kacke Different Day…
MemberSprite, I know your not… I understand now what you meant… Chaos breeds change without a dose of it we wither and die….
Reba, ditto on the TJ quotes… First, Marti now Jefferson. This forum, CR in general draws in many kindered spirits. We’re a diverse bunch but we continually weave a common thread that brings us all closer, smaller and yet stonger.
I’ve got work to do… ciaoupeCity
MemberRoark, I’m not brilliant… and I do enjoy a good bumper sticker…
But, I’ve not found many superficial readers on this site. Ideology runs deep here. Not so deep that we can’t open our minds to new ideas and admit we’re wrong on occasion.
Scott, don’t let this go to your head but I would venture to say through the years we’ve learned a thing or two here…
Roark I am wrong to assume to know you… But the Bush administration has clearly shown its stripes…
I will defend America with my blood and that of all my children and their children if need be… But I will NOT be the aggressor. I will NOT support a traitor who sells out his country to special interest… Regardless of how many flags you wrap him in…I will NOT support your emperor…On the subject of cherry picking, you may have overlooked the fact that Jefferson’s second administration began with a favorable settlement ending the Tripolitan War… We all make mistakes, recognizing them takes wisdom and character… both sorely lacking in this administration.
Edited on Nov 14, 2007 06:27
MemberScott, again we agree… 😉
Seriously though, thank you for providing us a civilized forum to share concerns, seek solutions, vent our angst and strut our prose…
You da man!
MemberSprite ???, You say, “silly to want to stay tied to the words of a Constitution written over 200 years ago”…
What next after we trash the bill of rights, the Ten Commandments? Yikes, sounds like you might have gone past liberterian to anarchist? Yet you won’t vote for a libertarian? I must have misunderstood you… (spanish is my first language)
Where is the Sprite that wrote, “The only democrat I would vote for is Kucinich”, I like her better…
How many libertarians, do you know that worked for the Reagan administration. -