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Memberroark, By Jefferson you must mean Mr. Jefferson, Weezy’s Hubby… Not Thomas Jefferson.
I abhor war and view it as the greatest scourge of mankind.
Thomas JeffersonThe spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force.
Thomas JeffersonWe did not raise armies for glory or for conquest.
Thomas JeffersonWar is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses.
Thomas JeffersonThe strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Thomas JeffersonPeace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.
Thomas JeffersonIf Fox News says the war is going well it must be true (NOT). You might want to visit a VA hospital for some real “fair and balanced reporting” ….
MemberWell said js, Where is Thomas Jefferson when you need… Who in our political machine is selfless enough to put the American people’s future above global corporate interest and central bank thugs…
200 Plus years ago Jefferson Wrote:
The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.Could Ron Paul be our generations Jefferson… Will we be too busy discerning left from right, liberal from conservative to see the real enemy. I hope not… Or we all may need to ask pemission before we speak or go to the bathroom…
I’m seeing more and more Ron Paul banners, maybe there is hope.
MemberAgreed, Save us a good spot upfront, out of the splash zone. I don’t want to get any neo-con on me..
I agree libertarians can be extreme. But, the illusion of democracy fabricated by our handlers has blinded us. Dr. Paul is our only horse in the this race. The field of horses we run against are all owned by the same. They also own the track, loud speakers and anouncers… We sit in the stands cheer, and argue who’s the best horse. This is NOT a race its a spectacle, meant to only further the illusion.Granted, he’s not the most charismatic speaker. But, Dr. Paul’s America is country of laws handed down by our founders, visionary statesman who loved this country. Dr. Paul is a true fiscal and social conservative, for a small federal government, state rights and worked for Ronald Reagan. His own party has turned on him because he won’t fall in line with the rest of the field. So they mislabel him and question he’s patriotism.
If that makes him a libertarian. So be it, what better way to reign in corporate facist.
I’m a Ron Paul Supporter as well. I agree, Dr Paul is our best hope of restoring sanity, the only statesman in the race, someone who really loves America and acts in its best interest (our best interest).
MemberMy grandmother (92) grew up on a farm in Cuba, they would render lard then store the pork chunks for months. Her older brothers (3 of 4 still living) worked tabacco till a couple years ago. They’re doing something right… I wonder sometimes why’ we’re so quick to jump on the latest research. If we follow the money we may find the source of the funding and producers are the same… ADM (Arthur Daniel Midland) “Supermarket to the World” …
“Lard the other white meat” maybe?
MemberWow…Pass on the book deal, this belongs on film.
Seriously an amazing story, It has it all, international intrigue, organized crime, romance(maybe) and Cuban girl rags to riches. Excellent…
If we could only throw in some gay cowboys and a car chase…
Great post… 🙂
MemberI’m fascinated with you having met 5 CR presidents… One of the things that’s always appealed to me about living in Latin America is how a relatively small fish can socialize with upper levels of government (Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not say you are a small fish). My wife’s family is from Ecuador, a few years ago I was invited to the home of the “Ministro de la Corte Suprema”, for lunch. What are the chances a small fry like myself would ever have lunch with the likes of Warren Burger.
Any who, maybe you can share with us your experiences with the ex presidents, someday… Discreetly of course…
MemberThank You, Reba… I won’t let it go to my head (or will I?).
Your humble, carbon based sack of mostly water filled frustrated song writer…upeCity
MemberLets not forget the Billions we fork over to Eygpt, Pakistan and Israel in foriegn aide to buy their loyalty… That’s better than interest free…
If CR votes against TLC don’t be surprised if it gets painted with the ugly stick and joins the rest of the “nuevo axis of evil” a la Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia… Nica could be the new Tica… Mind you I’m against it. But, history tells us if you pick your head up it gets shot off… If we all pick our heads up at the same time? Who know maybe we have a chance…
“Fight the Power, stay Tico”
MemberYou make me blush… As we speak, I’m sweeping my toe across the floor and lowering my head…
We’re all poets here, thanks to our muse WLCR…
MemberDon’t worry, we have 700+ overseas military bases in over 130 countries… Another 6000 in the US…. To help with the coercion… Oh wait, lets not forget our private contractors (Blackwater, etc). Who knows maybe we’ll be bringing a little TLC/ Freedom to a town near you…
Seriously, is it any mystery the dollar is hitting all time lows, the DOW, fear and loathing all time highs.
Heaven help us, we’re certainly not helping ourselves… Ron Paul is our only hope in 2008, He’s for bringing our troops home, taking care of business at home, abolishing the IRS and stricktly following the US Constitution (the most beautifully document ever written) Paul is is good for America and the World…
A real patriot does not serve his country on his knees bowing to an emperor… Lets hope this week Ticos vote with their hearts and on their feet…
Memberrf, I read this Tamarindo related article… Actually good news.
Maybe the KLI piece was a diabolical “Reverse Pump n Dump Tamarindo Real Estate Short Sell Scam” That’s a mouthfull…
Did they end the advisory with with US crime stats?
I take that back, no more sarcasm. From now on upe is all about Happy thoughts… I’m OK your OK…. CR OK…Stats OK…
Sorry Scott, Maravilla, etc… ICE, Harlon, keep that vat filled to the rim.. Sprite, Beca keep the Poetry flowing… I’m going fishing…upeCity
Membertouché … Ice. You’ll never get the cumbaya vote with that kind of talk….
Scott, I’ve always seen you as an honest info broker and gracious host… We love you man.. But, you must agree your job as cr spin master can only get tougher unless this thing turns around…
What happens 5 years from now if this trend continues… Will we keep our fingers crossed that US Crime follows the same trend… could become
bummer eh…
MemberI agree it(crime watch) only helps treat the symptoms… But, there is a saying in chess, “When in doubt take a pon”…
Maybe a crime watch group can lead to better moves later in the game… Small incremental step can change the world. Striking miners in Poland is one example… Refusing to give up your seat on an all white bus, another….
All I ask is that I be part of the solution and that I recognize when I’m contributing to the problem….
Will the TLC “trickledown” enough to solve the disparity? Not sure.
Will those holding the sprinkler get soaked? You betcha.Pray for rain…. My guess is if the growth is not organic(not fabricated by special interest) it will ultimately fail to serve the general population and disparity will continue.
Only with education, concern for others and community pride can truly great things happen… Case in point Dubai and Caracas, both swimming in oil and disparity…