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MemberAbsolutely! the official story requires such an enormous leap of faith and suspension of disbelief. How anyone could see those towers collapse and not think “controlled demolition” is beyond me…
check out and
Alex Jones an Austin, TX cult hero is a pioneer in the anti Big Brother and 911 truth movement… He was on top of the 911 saga before 9/11. He was arrested for protesting GW when he was still governor of TX.
MemberScott, You conspiracy kook, you! (tongue in cheek)
It’s talk just like this that talked me out of a perfectly good fishing trip the other day…. My brother and his inner circle of friends all staunch GOP disciples, gave me quite a pistol whipping over this very subject… I was able to walk home, If we had been 30 miles out (shark bait)?
The “Trans-Texas Corridor” once completed, will run through my back yard in central Texas. Amazingly the border check points are hundreds of miles into the US. A clear sign the borders will be irrelevant . Austin, TX locals have been in an uproar over this for a couple years now… Mostly everyone else still thinks it’s a “Crazy, Conspiracy Theory”…
Excellent point and choice links… It’s encouraging to know the word is out…
I am behind the times, specially as it relates to dating…upeCity
MemberSimon, excellent response… well said…
Roark, I too understand your sentiment… I was once a “ditto head”, drawn to the dark lords (Rush, Orielly, Bush, even Cheney). Then , reality set it (No not, American Idol and Survivor). I realized I was being played. Similar to when I caught my parents in their many conspiracies (Santa Claus, tooth fairy, etc…)… fool me once, ya da ya da ya da…
MemberDude, assuming they vote for us to stay (which they won’t). So what!
Should we send troops to every country? we already do (100 plus US foriegn bases and counting)
Are you willing to pay for this adventure? We’re already in debt to our eye balls…
How many more of our kids will we kill and mame?I’d like to vote… I vote we become a big Canada…eh! (less the socialized medicine and hockey)
Scott is right, “Democracy” has nothing to do with this war… its just being used as another rally cry by those with power to control those without…
More war? no thank you…
MemberThanks, David… That makes sense. The greater Grecia area would be ideal…
Radicals don’t start wars , opportunist do… Radicals merely provide the warped ideology. It takes an economy to fuel it and useful idiots to cheer it on. The Sinking of the Maine, Bay of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor and 911, etc.. All highly suspicious events or confirmed/documented “false flag” attacks orchestrated to ignite war. By who? Follow the money… Do radicals take part, share blame? yes…merely as bit players/peons…The 3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse won’t be on horses. They’ll be sporting laptops and blackberries…
Did they start it before, or after the Crusades…upeCity
I’m in…I can buy into “No” across the board, let things be… But, how can we satisfy our need to fix things? Can we fight our obsession to straighten out that crooked picture frame… Adopt a pot hole, etc…Or is this a Zen “Do without doing” exercise? do we dare flap our wings and set off a storm? Do we wait for momentum to build arournd a newly learned behaviour (good or bad), sending the new behaviour across the collective mind of Costa Rica.. (a la “Hundredth Monkey”…)
Humm, maybe.
Keep thinking the good thoughts…
Your English is very good…. No apologies needed when writing in your second or third langauge… Most of us can only err in one or two….
MemberYet, another reason why we expatiate/ drop out…
If our leaders truly acted in our nations best interest, would they have diverted hundreds of billions to fight a ghost cia_da in Iraq… while virtually ignoring our borders and ports. Would we be scrambling to open another front in Iran while unable to sustain the current one. No, they serve those that put them there, corporate oil/defense interest keen on record profits and neo-con Orwellian fascist thirsty for power.
Who has gained.
Have we scored a victory for “Freedom”? No, our constitution (our most precious birthright) has been trampled…
Our we safer? No not, when we orphan Iraqis every day. If they had no reason to hate us before, they do now.
Our troops? No … They have paid and continue to pay the ultimate price. At best coming home disfigured physically and mentally to under-funded run down VA Hospitals, foreclosure and bankruptcy.The two party system with its false debates and phony elections has failed us. Did the midterm elections change anything? No.. Did we send a message? Yes, Did they listen? No…
Let’s pray that amongst our political ranks we still have a “Statesman”. One driven by conscience, compelled to serve his country. Not Israel, Not Iraq, Not oil money … The American People… Till that day: free thinkers will fear repression, parents for their kids future and the world our arsenal.Take the path of least resistance…. Find a port in the storm…. Not much of an activist but still clinging to our convictions. We, “Love it and Leave it” … Be thankful we had a choice and pray for those we leave behind….
There is a saying in Spanish, “Musico pago no toca bonito”… translation: “Paid musicians don’t play pretty”…. withholding works…Regarding, freedom… I see the left/right, liberal/conservative thing as a weapon used to divide and conquer us… The corporate controlled media with its Hannity and Colmes, paid mouth pieces and boot licks are the pied pipers that lead us by our noses to battle each other… They push our buttons, distract us, while their handlers pick our pockets and send our kids off to die…. Another reason to opt out of the system…
Their is no left and right… only right and wrong…
Hey, when you factor in the margin of error your still batting a thousand… It was unfair of me to single out that one word…. I agree with your sentiment.Rick
You pose the question: “does anyone know why most peoples of the world are trying to get into the USA”…
America is great(est). But, the (rhetorical?) question was over the top, in an otherwise brilliant response . This kind of talk exposes our occasional arrogance.
Yes, our southern border is porous. Yes, I would venture to guess most people looking to immigrate look to the US. We are a generous host…But, “Most people of the world are not trying to get into the USA”.
In fairness to “most people of the world”… There is a US exit door. Many of us have already used it… Many more will. As we pass the exit door, we dream of a simpler life, affordable luxuries, lower taxes, healthcare… Their dreams involve opportunity, jobs, education, security, etc… The common thread is we both seek those things beyond our reach.
The key is, unlike our neighbors to the south we fly coach. We don’t load our wife and kids into sealed tractor trailers or raft across the gulf stream at night on innertubes. Be very thankful…
Yes, Diego might be a riddle wrapped in an enigma… aren’t we all…
Thanks for the encouraging words… I hope some day to make piece with my wondering spirit and set aside my ego. Only time will tell…I understand your going home experience… I equate, reuniting with my ancestral roots to aclimating an animal raised in captivity. I’d beach myself and die…
Clinging to nationalistic ideals does keep us from coming to grips with our ultimate humanity. It’s also ripe with paradox, it serves to alienate us while bringing us together (birds of a feather) . It’s the very source of our tribal insecurities and comforts us by providing us an identity… Oh wait I left out , fodder for the war machine. What a mess…
Would we be content to be citizens of the world.? Our survival depends on it, but its a tough pill to swallow, that ego thing keeps getting in the way…..
Edited on Jul 24, 2007 17:02
I enjoyed your piece, you cover a lot of ground…Many of us in the states, share your distrust of big goverrnment, many of us speak out, some on the fringe might have even thrown a stone and hid their hand. As a rule, we’re not spineless, usefull idiots…
Historically we have had options: A> Flight (the expat/emigrant way..) or B> Fight – (the activist/militant choice)…Not a fan of extremes and believing “we can have it all”… Many of us tranplants choose C> expat/activist…
Is that so bad? No… Should we give up our Boy Scout, Huck Finn ways? No… Will we ? No… Will we continue our pet charitable projects? I hope so…. Will the more altruistic among us feel a bit guilty for not paying our fair share in taxes and in doing so find other ways to contribute to our host country… Yes…
Is this wanting to re-create US Suburbia ? No… Is this paramount to “nation building” ? hell no… This is the Boy Scout in us.. That is who we are, wherever we are. Call us naive or adolecent….
I’ve been an emigrant most of my life, I can never return to my birth place (Havana)… I will never be a local anywhere I live. I can pretend to be a local very successfuly, but someone aways rightfully plays the “native card”. I can never be a native… That is my fate, I embrace it… It makes me strong, alert and hungry for more…. I love America, but I can never be an American. I love Costa Rica but I can never be Tico.
Fellow, expats/ emigrants this is your fate as well. Unless your willing to accept this, “Go home, this is not your fight”… your flight has landed… Else…Stay! Burn the ships…
Love your community, your host neighbors, protect them if need be, enjoy their foods their language, make them yours. . And never forget, you we’re once a Boy Scout…Cheers,
Rick Delgado…upeCity
MemberDiego, I kid you not…
Go to any boom town anywhere in the world and you’ll see tourism, drugs and sex crimes go hand in hand… Visit any sleepy port a year after the cruise ships start dumping passengers every week. If you can’t score drugs in 15 minutes you must look like a narc…“Obviously a Tourist or Tico” (LOL), I’ll take it as a complement.. But your radar is off today…
I’ll look for your article “Character and Net Worth”…. I’ll make sure I take my blood pressure medicine that day… us ol US guys need to take care of ourselves… -