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  • in reply to: Swimming pool builders – Ojochal #173010

    I would contact Donny at Island pools, excellent service at low cost. If he doesn’t build you a pool, he will certainly have a good recommendation for you.
    You can also post your question on the Face Book Costa Ballena Bulletin Board.

    in reply to: It takes a community #203338

    I requested to be removed from this website a few hours ago but am still receiving message alerts. Your arrogance and more importantly your ignorance assures me that you will have a very difficult time adapting in Costa Rica.
    Good luck!

    in reply to: It takes a community #203335

    Haha, what?…are you going to shoot me?
    Better yet, instead of sitting on the sidelines I’d prefer just to unsubscribe from this forum and website. It’s become a complete waste of my time. I live here and joined up to read and participate about Costa Rican issues, not amerigun paranoia
    Have a nice day and Adios.
    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”vache”]I’m confused.What type of communities are you talking about? Rural compounds? I appreciate the wikipedia links provided by davidd as I had no idea that homosexuals were all child molesters.
    It’s great that this forum brings people together but I just have to ask. What are you and kkkwhite taking out the kids to hunt for after church from the back of a jeep? heh..

    Vache….if your not sure what you are talking about and about whom, I would suggest you sit on the sidelines until you figure it out. I take exception to your use of “kkkwhite”. That was extrmemly uncalled for and your assumption of me being a racist. Nothing could be further from the truth, you know nothing of me and what I do and beleive in. Kindly STFU.

    David, thank you for the backup on that.[/quote]

    in reply to: It takes a community #203332

    I’m confused.What type of communities are you talking about? Rural compounds? I appreciate the wikipedia links provided by davidd as I had no idea that homosexuals were all child molesters.
    It’s great that this forum brings people together but I just have to ask. What are you and kkkwhite taking out the kids to hunt for after church from the back of a jeep? heh..

    in reply to: Article: Secrets to bldg own home in CR -comments #200911

    I’d also add that if building on a site as pictured in the article, it’s important to put in concrete ditches surrounding the property. Diverting rain water to the edges of the property will help prevent erosion when building close to the side of a hill.

    in reply to: Would it be cheaper for C.R. to legalize drugs? #168262

    I completely agree with Waggoner on all points. I’d also like to add that Hemp is a Super plant that has a thousand other uses besides getting you high, and it’s really a shame that governments have made it illegal for this reason.
    Only a few of the many reasons why cannabis should be researched more without prejudice in the links below..

    in reply to: Costa Rica Resists GMOs #166158

    Oh well, looks like the corn roast idea is off. I was going to supply both GMO corn smothered in margarine and non Gmo. maybe next year.

    in reply to: Costa Rica Resists GMOs #166154

    I’d love to sit between the two of you at a corn roast.:lol:
    With a double rum in hand no doubt!

    in reply to: Resident discounts #170653

    I didn’t notice Vache on your guest list but I’ll get over it eventually. I’d rather watch hockey than Fox news anyways.

    in reply to: Canadians Living In Costa Rica Are Panicking! #170400

    I really don’t get why there’s a big panic, surprise or sensationalizing this subject for that matter. If you no longer live in Canada, why would you expect free medical care?

    in reply to: Canadians Living In Costa Rica Are Panicking! #170398

    It differs slightly from province to province, but has been that way since I can remember. They obviously didn’t research this at all, as it’s common knowledge amongst Canadian expats.
    I’m quite sure that your health care is reinstated after three months once you’ve returned to Canada if you’ve exceeded the limit for time out of country.

    in reply to: All about diet in Costa Rica #159031

    I like the idea of using a simple syrup with the passion fruit but would prefer to have a pulp without excess water and sugar.
    Will get back to you with results after I test out passion fruit seed removal using my salad spinner…heh

    in reply to: All about diet in Costa Rica #159026

    Dumb question…Blend as with a blender or stir with sugar water. I’m assuming this is done to get rid of the gooish consistency before straining? Reason I ask is , wouldn’t that amount to a bunch of crushed seeds that will go thru the strainer?

    in reply to: All about diet in Costa Rica #159024

    Has anyone ever run into maracuya sold as pulp at the grocery store? I’ve bought a few different varieties, (pina, guanabana)sold in plastic bags in the refridgerated section but have never seen maracuya sold other than the fruit.
    It’s by far my favorite fruit juice but a real hassle to remove the seeds.
    I’ve googled pie recipes using them and noticed a few recipes with seeds included, but that doesn’t really appeal to me.
    Passion fruit ( maracuya) makes a mighty fine drink when mixed with rum too :D…again, the seeds are always a problem as they are difficult to remove even when using a sieve.

    in reply to: All about diet in Costa Rica #159021

    My neighbor’s guanabanas are almost ready to be picked and he offered them to me because he finds them too sweet. I’m wondering what to do with them besides making juice. Any recipe ideas would be greatly appreciated. It was the first time I see them on the tree and was surprised to see that they grow right on the trunk of the tree and not hanging from branches.

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