yes its a pitty thad its so expencive here then .
[quote=”vanderlinden”]i look for a trust onne and sure company thad can bring my personal container in limon and bring it to my place porto viejo caribian. . thad can assist for the taxes and so .if you have good adreses or so thanks .[/quote]
thanks fine i have send him e mail
[quote=”costaricafinca”]Changed my post, since I misread your post.
I suggest you contact Charles Zeller,
the e-mail is not correct
a pitty if you have golden hands you can not create you r work. so the day thad you thake the nationality of costa rican then you can . but can we take or have the c r nationalty.
ok fine.than its bether to by an second hand.
and can you gif good insurance companies.
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