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MemberOur Passports arrived today and we booked our flight! We’re going to be there a little later than we wanted (The 28th, instead of the 26th) but it’s a done deal….Trish is on the laptop working out our onward tickets so we don’t have to worry about that and we are ON OUR WAY!!
You have the right set of mind to live anywhere in the world even in the Sahara desert or the North Pole.
It is people like YOU that will be missed in my community, people with that strange courage to PACK and MOVE to another place.
That is what made the USA when the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth Rock over more than 200 years ago and you are not different.
I will NOT pass judgement over you for leaving us, we need you to stay but if your fight is OVER and you believed in the “Give me your sick and tired people” to move to Costa Rica then GOOD LUCK.
You will be an asset to wherever you go and I salute your service. It is people like you that make it in life without a “CHIP” in their shoulder.
SEE you in Costa Rica in 2013, I still have to vote in 2012 and it will be my last one in the USA.[/quote]
Thank you for your kind words, I wish YOU all the
best as well…..Even though I believe in my heart that our election process is so corrupt that it no longer matters WHO we vote for, I am still going to vote by absentee….I think the fix is in and we’re ALL going to have to take a bite of a huge poop sandwich……I only hope that the PEOPLE have had enough and don’t tolerate the blatant fraud perpetrated on us on a daily basis…it’s only going to be with pitchforks and torches that the people will ever take it back, and I just suspect that the sheeple have been thoroughly anesthetized and won’t wake up until the water is boiling.I hope to gleefully chronicle OUR exploits once we have arrived and settled in….I hope we all get a chance to meet. There are some damn fine people hanging out around here and I just hope to be fortunate enough to join them in a little Pura Vida.
Best to you!
Member[quote=”CritterHill”]I’ve been researching moving to Costa Rica for about 4 years and would love to liquidate tomorrow and make the move. I believe my husband is about ready to jump on board as well because of the same reasons you mention.
We are planning our 4th trip this summer and hope to narrow the places we’d like to live. Right now, we’re thinking Orosi, San Isidro, or Los Santos area. Still want to check our Santiago de Puriscal.
I wish you the very best of luck on your new venture
Pura Vida!
[/quote]We wish you all the best too! I placed the ad for our house here for rent TODAY, and within MINUTES the phone began to ring…we’ve shown it once today already, and the people looking at the house ended up buying a BUNCH of the things we had aside for our moving sale next weekend………….Stuff is FLYING out of here!
We’re excited beyond description…..won’t be long now
Member[quote=”Scott”]What was it ‘VMC’ that made you make that final decision to move to Costa Rica after researching for 4 years?
Was it one particular event?
Did your way of thinking change?
If you’re half as happy as I am living here, you’ll be very happy ….
Good luck!
Scott [/quote]
Hi Scott….
We made the [u]decision[/u] when we first started our research, it’s just that LIFE kept getting in our faces…..a Granddaughter was born, and I guess THAT single event affected our plans more than anything….She’s two now and in Germany for the next three years, so rather than languish in the decaying US, we decided to get going.
As I told you in the past, and I would be surprised if you remember, I have an older Brother that has been part of the US Special Forces community since 1967. He is working today at 62 for an unnamed Government agency, and even HE is getting out of Dodge by September….He’s taking his SECOND retirement and going to get out of the way of the STUPIDITY the world is about to perpetrate once again on the US.
THAT is my second motivation, I know, being former Military, and being fortunate enough to have escaped whatever put the populace to sleep (My Brother had a lot to do with that), that something dirty is about to happen here, and our world, which HAS NOT learned from History is about to repeat it, and not the good parts, but the most horrendous parts…. I imagine you yourself have this sense considering your experiences.
So…..we found ourselves, by the grace of God or “The Force”, or Vishnu, or Buddha, or whatever Universal power is REALLY in control of things, presented with a second or THIRD chance to make this move, by THROWING certain things at us, like a house, whose owner is likely to be a major influence on our lives, or any NUMBER of circumstances that couldn’t have just been random chance…
Things have happened very fast, blinding, DIZZYINGLY, and even suspiciously fast, and easy, so we’re on our way…..
Eager to embrace the Country, it’s people and the culture, hopefully to our mutual betterment, we hurl ourselves headlong into our unknown.
THAT in a rather large nutshell, is what led us up to this move, and we are anxious to meet people like YOU, David, Trisha, and a BUNCH of people who have so graciously tolerated our questions and confusion over the last 4 or even 5 years of our research into this fantastic Country called Costa Rica.Thank you all who we have spoken to so often over those years, and all those who felt compelled for your OWN reasons, but were so willing to share your experiences, it took a LOT to get us here, and we’re looking forward with GREAT anticipation, to the next adventure, or to just spending a few glorious years sitting on a beach, or in some hot springs, or staring at a rumbling mountain.
I’ll take a breath and shut up now……….LOL
So I guess now more than ever, this will be our motto as well – Pura Vida!
Member[quote=”costaricabill”]Welcome, you will (should) really enjoy it here!
You have chosen a beautiful location as have we (Playa Samara) and nature has done it’s job to increase the enjoyment quotient of everyone who choses Costa Rica as their new home.
We love Lola’s and often make a day trip there with our frequent guests.
Again, welcome and enjoy – we hope to meet you soon!
crb[/quote]Thanks!….Hope to bump in to you too….once we get settled in, we’ll try to meet up with everyone!
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]I should have said earlier that we also do use Aerocasillas to forward mail and packages from their depot in Miami. Nobody said “cheap”, few shut, but the service is reliable and they have an office in downtown Grecia which is convenient for us.
We have turned every statement, bill, etc in favor of electronic delivery and thus avoid a lot of Aerocasillas’ costs. A couple of outfits just won’t take us off their physical mail lists, so lately I’ve changed our address in their records to their own mailing address. They can send me all the mail they want at care of their offices. I’ll pick it up when I’m in town (which will be never).
[/quote]Thanks Dave….I need to find out where the closest office to us would be and we’ll probably do the same!
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]We live on a dead end road 7.5km from downtown Grecia and we get mail delivered to our door based upon the “descriptive” Costa Rican addressing system. Once the local carrier knows who you are, there should be no problem. We get mail from ARCR, from friends in Great Britain, and from U.S. Social Security this way. In fact, one time ARCR got their label-generation process bolluxed up and sent us our monthly CAJA enrollment confirmations to
my name
our home phone number
Grecia, Alajuelaand it arrived just fine.
Social Security will not use your Aerocasillas address in Miami, so you must provide them with either a post office box or a descriptive address here in Costa Rica.
And we’ve obviously been too helpful in the past. Whenever the mail carrier can’t identify a recipient with a non-Hispanic name, he brings the mail to us to help him locate the party.
[/quote]David…you have always been helpful to everyone WE have read about, and YOU TOO Trisha……I’m glad you guys are there, so we “Tender-Foots” can hit the ground without being scared!……..LOL
Thank you guys, we hope to be shaking your hands in person one day soon!
Member[quote=”maravilla”]i have a PO box. come on, with the addresses they have here, and no street numbers, much less street names, uh, i wouldn’t trust the mail to get here that way.[/quote]
LOL…….. I had it figured that way. Thanks for the confirmation! You have helped us a lot in the last couple of years that we have been building up to this move, and we appreciate it!
Do you have any problems with larger packages?
Member[quote=”maravilla”]i had the USPS forward my mail to CR. takes two weeks to get here. i went to paperless billing for most everything but my mortgage company couldn’t do that. i did have an aerocasillas account but i find them insanely pricey, charging $1.50 for each letter, and a small fortune for anything more than that. the correo here is pretty efficient. i have things sent to me in-country and out of country and everything has gotten here. it just takes time.[/quote]
Have you found that mail actually makes it to your house, or are you using a post office?
I know these might be dumb questions, but until My Spanish gets better, and we’ve been there a while, I’m going to sound like a blithering gringo……….LOL
March 10, 2012 at 6:42 pm in reply to: Machetes, folding saws, etc…..In the luggage question. #205188Vmc
Member[quote=”rosiemaji”]There is no reason why these items can not be transported in your checked luggage as long as they are well protected to make sure the blades will not poke through the luggage. Most airlines will not allow anything with an engine, such as a chain saw, though, even if it is still in the box and never used.[/quote]
Thanks……I just know how the Nazis at the TSA are, and I didn’t want to run afowl of the CR Authorities….we’re trying to prioritize and assemble the things we want to BRING and the stuff we want to ship later.
MemberIronically, right after I replied here a minute ago, I saw this article in the Tico Times…..I’m sure you’ve already seen it, but here’s the link:
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Does that mean you know something about Sam’s Club here in Costa Rica? If yes, would you please share?
[/quote]Sorry David…..I was just speculating, but against the WalMart/Sam’s club machine, it seems that resistance is futile, and I have little doubt it’s coming…..I’ve been looking since I saw your post, but haven’t actually found anything yet.
…..I continue to look, and I’ll let you know if I find anything from this end.
Pura Vida David!
Member[b]For those items we Gringos just CAN’T live without? …In BULK.[/b]
Member[quote=”maravilla”]that’s him. he’s still pontificating on another board so if you want a dose of abuse, you could go over there and listen to him straighten people out on their misconceptions about Monsanto, Costa Rica, GMOs, how to do this or that. . . or not. why should you be deprived of that experience? plunge right in. jejeje[/quote]
Et Tu Trishae?
MemberWas he like that “one guy”, a nurse of some kind, who declared himself the protector of the realm and unabashedly tried to run anyone off that was even half-way interested in taking the plunge?
….I sure miss that guy.