Forum Replies Created
February 11, 2012 at 8:06 pm in reply to: The Crooks at the ‘Federal’ Reserve Will Make Your Cost Of Living Rise Substantially #167048
MemberSee, you guys…THIS is why we have FINALLY got our plan together and are bailing on this sinking ship once and for all…..We have been TRYING to get our collective arses in gear and make the move for several years now….some of you whom I have talked to a lot over that time will remember….
We are in the process of “Un-encumbering” ourselves with a goal of getting out of Dodge by May or June of 2013….Unfortunately, the way I see it, THAT timeframe may be too late, because this Nation is being dismantled and hurled toward absolute Socialism at an increasingly alarming rate…..By the time we are able to get out, we may not be ALLOWED to leave.
Ron Paul is the only hope this Country has to break this pattern, and run the FED/Rothschilds/Bilderbergers out of here, as Thomas Jefferson once did…..we have to take this nation back, or it will soon resemble Soviet Russia.
We are just as excited and are looking forward more than ever to make the move….LIFE has just intervened and made our desire to move impossible until now…hope to see many of you face-to-face soon!
Member[quote=”maravilla”]okay, dan, don’t leave us dangling. has your daughter surfaced? i’ve been thinking about you and hope that everything turns out well.[/quote]
Sorry guys, but I’ve had my hands full….Heather was found last Friday and I have been on the run since. She’s been in a Mental Health facility since last Friday, August the 26th, and we have had to fight with the VA (CHAMPVA actually.)to get approval for her care…as it stands NOW, they haven’t done SQUAT for her and want to send her home tomorrow….a concept I resist at this point. CHAMPVA is trying to weasel out of paying and even tried to stick me with the cost so far, so the pain continues.
I’ll update as soon as I know how this is going to come out, but thanks to everyone who has offered well-wishes, and I hope you can keep a finger or two crossed!
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Dan, please do keep us up to date on your daughter’s situation and know that our thoughts are with you.[/quote]
[quote=”maravilla”]So sorry to hear of your situation with your daughter. It must be beyond worrisome and stressful. Hoping she comes home safe and sound.[/quote]
It’s nice to hear from you guys…….I hate to bring drama…..drama sux, but I’ll keep everybody posted without being a bummer to the best of my ability……..LOL
We’re going on 5 weeks Wednesday and although I have had a very good idea where she is/was and who she was with, Law Enforcement has been largely uninterested, but she’s 16, and I kind of expected little concern or cooperation……I’m on my own and it’s just a waiting game till she surfaces if nothing bad has happened to her……I’m hoping she just surfaces.
MemberVERY nicely done indeed…….
Pura Vida!
MemberMagic Jack is great as long as your ISP is good, but put it on a cruddy ISP and the calls suk…Serious.
If David and Maravilla and everybody has good luck with it, then the ISP must be good and consistent. I used Magic Jack on our 300 year-old Caveman DSL in Tennessee and it was awful, while others on good High-Speed internet swear by it.
I have to agree with them….it’s a great thing, and aside from SKYPE, this is what we’d use.
Member[quote]well thought out VMC and very accurate.I would like to add that it has become down right agonizing to watch the country I have embraced all my life going in so many different directions.[/quote]
Our plans are VERY fluid right now, loose ends are driving me nutz, but we plan to be there by mid-June may end up being July or later if things drag out too long, but we’re chomping at the bit to get there…..BEFORE this place ends up at the final destination of the proverbial handbasket.
Hope your own plans if any go well…I need a vacation.
Member[quote=”twin200″]I left this thread a bit puzzeled last night.My examples of a few joys in life were in question as to what they had to do with living in Costa Rica.My question now is what do they not have to do with living anywhere in the free world.Could it be I’m in the wrong place(hope not).Should this forum only be for those who live in cr,part time retirees and visitors as I do not,am not and have not yet.VMC likes pie,I guess I’ll have some humble pie. NOT YEE-HAAAAWWW[/quote]
Ok, I’ll stray into deeper waters……..
We’re COUNTING the days until we make a huge leap of faith and uproot and move to Costa Rica, lock, stock and barrel.
I bet from your Avatar and forum username, that you are a water loving kind of guy……Well don’t let the lack of a direct answer to your posits befuddle you. We ALL have our reasons for taking this leap, ours are 1 part Political, 1 part Social, 1 part economical, and 97 parts, just plain being fed up.
We’re looking for more LIFE in our life and the American Dream as one member quite eloquently put it, is no longer in America, so there WILL BE Political discourse in a LOT of threads started by we Americans…We’re sickened by what has happened/is happening to our beloved homeland, and the lure of a beautiful land with an ideal climate to suit everyone’s needs, Scenery too plentiful to be taken in all at once, Friendly people and an economy akin to the US in the 50’s, before everything started to sour, is a powerful attractant. Have we even BEEN there yet? NO.
But in nearly 4 years of researching this idea, the idea to come to Costa Rica, I have talked to FREINDS who have been there, and made NEW friends who also answered their own personal call, and there is one underlying theme heard from everyone’s story and that is that they never want to come back to the US.
Sure, I imagine Costa Rica as a destination was just “Trendy” and to be held as a well-kept secret some years ago, but it now has also become the place to “Escape ” to for many…… Some who made the move don’t want their little apple cart upset, so they will niggle and pick at anyone threatening to invade their sanctuary, they will tout themselves as the self-appointed “Devil’s Advocate” and try to just piss you off in order to keep you away with their curmudgeonly assaults, and scream bloody murder when there is the slightest hint of political motivation to your plan to move, but don’t let that dissuade you, just keep your focus.
all of our own motivations aside, we just want to take life at a different pace, to ENJOY life a little and can’t find a place that offers as much as Costa Rica.
There are SO MANY people, a lot of whom post on this forum frequently that have found the peace they were looking for in Costa Rica, and what is interesting is that, and I’m painting with a broad brush here, they came to Costa Rica, and felt compelled to either write a book or start their own BLOG to tell the world about their experiences……I haven’t FOUND too many TENNESSEE blogs, or “How I escaped to the peace and tranquility of the US” books…it’s obviously a place that has an effect on people.
I could write for days about the things we look forward to, some can’t see past all of their personal hurdles with immigration, or traffic laws, or having one of the thousand little “Hassles” associated with becoming a resident, that all just goes with the territory, and whether or not they like it, all of these things, all of these hurdles and heartbreaks, triumphs and disappointments WILL come to the surface in a wonderful open forum, like Scott has provided here.
Like it or not, these things are vital to the next guy coming in on the banana boat, some experiences may suck, but hearing about it might just save the next guy a lot of grief….. If looked at from the proper perspective, these things MUST be allowed to come into the light, and we need to take it all with a grain of salt, glean from it what helps us and let the fur fly if that is the case, as there are some who just need to fight or bicker about things…they must be bored or something.
So to you, I say, keep plugging away…..I almost GUARANTEE that any questions you have will find their way into these pages, even if you don’t ask them yourself, read everything you can find….I’d love to show you our collection of Costa Rica literature…..books, maps, pictures, etc…. What an adventure!
I hope my novel here has come closer to addressing at least SOME of your curiosities about the goings-on on this forum…there are a lot of very nice people, who spend a lot of time trying to share their world with us….I too got caught up in some of the bickering of at least ONE antagonist, and I have become less vocal and more moderate since then….go find your antagonist, or better yet, your MENTOR and keep asking about this place, and oh, by the way…I SUSPECT that his is something of a “Boater’s Paradise” around here…..get yourself down there for cryin’ out loud..
Please forgive the protracted “Short” answer..
MemberI LIKE pie.
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]. . . with a cherry on top?[/quote]
Double up on them too.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]yes, yes, i see it now! you are crazed with glee over your upcoming move. how did i miss that? oh, yeah, no cafe.[/quote]
Make mine a double-triple maochchino decaf half-caf goat milk latte.
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Look him in the eyes, maravilla. Look him in the eyes.[/quote]
Do so at your own risk!…..LOL
The bleary, Bloodshot orbs of pain stare back at you, for I desire NACHOS!
….See, I’m getting slap happy as time draws near.
Member[quote=”ronny”]The point of my original post was not to get into a debate about free speach and bad economic times.
I too, have no problem just skipping over all the US political threads(though alot of threads start out as something else).
My question was and still is… why is it that a potentially interesting thread about sustainable living in Osa is deleted, while all the other bickering threads about the US are not moderated?
Simple question[/quote]ronny – I’ve had a thread or two disappear without a trace or explanation….sometimes it’s a glitch in the Matrix, not a deliberate act.
Try re-posting your original thread and see if the results are the same. I had to do so recently, and the second time around, the thread survived….Not of Political content either, so consider the possibility it just happened.
Oh, and in the interest of forum harmony, I promise not to post anything political from here on…..Someone said it best when they said that it is a self-justification, or reasoning behind our own exodus….I think we all do this to some extent.
I hope you can get your original topic back online, best of luck!!
Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]I guess you feel that [i]I am warning[/i] others to stay away, but that is not the case.
This isn’t about renting to find the best area before buying.
I am trying to advise folk to at least visit for a while. Even more so, when there are children involved. As adults we can adapt much easier, especially if we come with a ‘significant other’ who we can complain to time and time again, but young family members have left their major support system at home, with their peers.
They will more than likely attend school and have to adjust to both new kids and a new language.
This is a great place to live, but it [i]isn’t[/i] ‘Shangri-La’.
People can read everything there is about Costa Rica…and there will still be surprises, good, bad….and there definitely is an ugly.[/quote]I wasn’t directing that at you, hope you didn’t take it so…..And thank you for your insight as well..
MemberHi David….
We come with no plans of buying or building, we’ll rent and do so knowing that we may need to do this in several locations if need be, before planting roots. Yes there is a great diversity of locations and experiences, and to be forewarned…..
Like I’ve said before, we’ve been at this for about 4 years, we’ve eliminated as many disqualifiers as possible from afar, and come with open eyes and open minds…
…Odd thing to me is that so many have spent SO MUCH TIME extolling the virtues of their little slice of Costa Rica, with blogs, and even as much as to have written BOOKS on the subject and THEN once others who have read about this place get “The itch” they spend the REST of their time trying to DISCOURAGE would-be travelers…..Why is that?
Are they like one angry little fellow who is the self-appointed “Devils Advocate”, and virtual Sheriff of immigration, trying to weed out undesirables? What goes here?
Here’s the plan in a nutshell, many details omitted for the sake of time. However “Concrete” it is……We’re coming down to explore, to find the place we think we want to settle in first…..We’ll rent with the idea that we MAY want to move to another spot, all the while we have return tickets in case we just HATE the horrors of Costa Rica…… We’ll try to figure out what was so great about it that people devote a lot of their time writing about it to share their experiences with others around the world, and then devoting as much time trying to discourage them from coming.
I admit I’m a little confused, but it is in my nature to allay that confusion with first-hand reconnaissance….
YES, we know that we may hate it, we also know that we may LOVE the place and decide to take over or something……LOL (It’s not always the quiet ones.)
As for the areas we want to look at first, we like Atenas and have had friends who lived there, as well as San Ramon……. You see, we actually have KNOWN people on the ground, and don’t come blindly into this…..Then we have plan “B” just in case.
I kind of feel like this will be the last time I post anything on this subject for a while, as there seem to be too many who are unhappy enough about their own experiences, that they want to warn-off others, and I am skeptical when this starts, so until we’re on the ground, and can form our own opinion, we’ll just watch…
To many, with different Life Circumstances, what we are doing may not make sense, but everyone’s situation is different, I’m lucky enough to be free to go where I want without a lot of baggage or obligations to impede my progress, some have to have things done way more in advance than I need to, and each will do this thing in their own way and according to what their lives’ constraints are.
David, thank you for your insight….You and several others have been a great help, some others…..not so much.
Hope to see you soon!