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Member[quote=”maravilla”]Even Daddy Bush said we were marching toward a NWO. said it right there on TV — was it before or after he puked on the emperor of japan???? hahahah alot of it started in the Cowboy era of RR, when he let Merrill Lynch stick their greedy little fingers in the business of polcymaking. oh, yes, we’ve been getting a screwing for a long time, [b]only this time they’ve put sand in the vaseline.[/b][/quote]
Ooooooooh, THAT was the analogy I was looking for.
Very Astute!
Pura Vida Maravilla!
Member[quote=”maravilla”]hahahaha — that’s funny. will we have to goosestep too?[/quote]
GAWD, I HOPE not, but I’ve seen this kind of thing before…I’m sure Scott has too.
And anyone who is a student of History will tell you that we are SCREAMING down the path toward just that kind of thing.
…And ANYONE with their eyes open and doesn’t have Communist/Socialist leanings will NOT act as an apologist for what is going on in the US. There is NOTHING about this that is OK, and as for the assertion that we HAD the opportunity to have a say-so in this….WAKE TF up.
…We had the Health Care Obamanation shoved down our throats IN SPITE OF a massive rejection by the public.
It is CLEAR that “We the People” no longer matter and are just in the way of the “NWO” agenda being enacted upon us every day.This is just going to get worse folks, trust me on this.
Member[quote=”kimball”][quote=”maravilla”]sue — on that form that gets filed with the US Treasury there is a section in little tiny print that says the penalties for NOT filing that form are up to $500,000 in fines and/or 5 years imprisonment. so it doesn’t apply to you if you’ve been compliant, but for all the others who want to scoff at the law, well, we all know how they love to make examples out of the little guy. watch the movie “Capitalism” and you get a pretty goood idea how the deregs of the 80’s set in motion all the chaos we are experiencing now. we decided we might sell our house in Colorado this year. 4 years ago the appraisal was $265,000; this morning the RE agent said maybe we could get half of that. it’s hard not to think they they deliberately wiped out the little guy; oh, well, i am still better off than most people but the US is going to hell in a handbasket, and i don’t want to go along for the ride.
the US is the only country that taxes you no matter where you live in the world. just that is a scary thought.[/quote]
You want to find fault with capitalism for some strange reason. I would be willing to bet that most people that made a decent living in the US owe it to capitalism. [b]You should talk to someone that grew up in a communist society and see how they liked it.[/b][/quote]
Wait a few years and you’ll be able to ask an Amerikan Comrade about this….May I see your PAPERS, please.
MemberThat Communist Bastage we have in the White House won’t be satisfied until he has destroyed the US. COMPLETELY, and all but enslaved the population….the sheeple need to wake up before it’s too late.
March 24, 2010 at 3:36 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200857Vmc
Member[quote=”ls6pilot”]Any different rules for handguns vs. rifles, shotguns?[/quote]
Not an answer to your question, but are you a Vette Guy?
Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]It was mentioned that one needs at least a [b]700 size[/b] carrier [i]if your dog is a small dane ???[/i], otherwise the airline will not allow the dog to board.
Check this [url=]travel info[/url][/quote]Ours is a VERY small Dane, she’s like 80 lbs, so I’m not so worried, she’s only slightly bigger than our Lab and weighs less……
I think we’re going to be ok, but will check out Continental, thanks for the advice!!
Member[quote=”maravilla”]define large. because if they weigh more than 100 pounds they won’t be traveling commercial jet.[/quote]
LOL…Not THAT large, but darn near. A Black Lab and Great Dane, both together weigh less than 180 tons, er….POUNDS.
….We shoulda had Chihuahuas.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]how many are you shipping? it’s easier if they go in cargo on the same plane with you, otherwise you will pay more money, and the dogs will be held somewhere and then you need the vet, etc. if they come on the plane with you, you pick them up in the same room where you get your luggage, given the customs officer the doggie paperwork and that’s it. check with the airlines though as there are lots of restrictions — what time of year it is, how much the dog weights, and how many of them there are.[/quote]
We have two large puppies…..And we’re trying to get this wrapped up and in CR by the middle of May.
…Looks like we’ll bring them with us and then board them for a few days while we get settled and hopefully in that time we can find a home..
We are SO looking forward to getting there, I just can’t tell you.
Pura Vida!
Member[quote=”maravilla”]are you shipping them separately from your flight? it’s a whole other animal if you are.[/quote]
We don’t know….which way works out better?
March 19, 2010 at 1:31 pm in reply to: Phase ONE of our evil plot for regaining our sanity begins! #167935Vmc
Trying to hang in there for this civilian Fed pension, for the purchase of a sailboat in Costa Rica. Already have VA disability and military retirement. I sometimes would like to throw in the towel; however, I envision myself and my wife on the deck of our sailboat, sailing back and forth from Costa Rica to Mexico and Panama. Take care.
Alfred, this is PRECISELY what my older Brother wants to do…he’s a “Government Contractor”, ex-Green Beret-type and now, Cancer Survivor…. He wants to spend his years on a nice Sailboat. I hope he makes it, but more than that, I wish I could help him…..Sounds like a great adventure to me.
…..Oh, and I have been corrected this morning.
My wife didn’t QUIT her job, she FIRED her company. LOL
Won’t be long now…………..
March 18, 2010 at 7:25 pm in reply to: Phase ONE of our evil plot for regaining our sanity begins! #167933Vmc
Wishing you both the best! We may meet at the range, still debating whether I should bring my twin babies (Colt 45s.) We are right behind you, I still need to be a Fed for four more years, to collect another pension. If it were not for 26 years of civilian fed service, I would be sitting in my back yard, or, walking to the beach in Playa Hermosa, Guancaste. Soon, very soon!
Pura Vida.[/quote]
I’ll lead the way Brother!
……SO…..What’s TAKING you so long? (Taps Watch)
MemberWhat ever happened to that “Baby Boomers Are a National Priority” “Presidential Decree” that was impending, anybody know?
Member[quote=”Scott”]Thank you CostaRicaFinca
As usual the initial official story was as clear as mud – Ha!
“Claro como lodo!“[/quote]
Same thing…..Only different.
March 2, 2010 at 8:04 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200845Vmc
Member[quote=”Scott”]Not being able to carry is pretty damned “adverse” in my book… And if they’re clamping down that hard on carrying no doubt it will be much tougher on “plain ownership” in any form…
Will report back when we have more solid information.[/quote]
Thanks Scott….Tell them that if they don’t relent, we “Baby Boomers” they value so much might just stay home……..LOL
But seriously….WTH are they thinking? Is this new President behind this or what?
….And I just got a new AK-47 too.
March 2, 2010 at 7:53 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200843Vmc
MemberWONDERFUL….is there any word on any adverse effect on just plain ownership?