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Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Lotus, sincere thanks for the plug for our guest house. Unfortunately, it is in constant demand and we wouldn’t be able to accommodate Dawn and her companions. Likewise, Rodericks’ house, also listed under Rentals, here, is committed. Wish we could help.
There is a listing for “apartments” in Grecia. The owners are friends and the accommodations are very nice. Take a look!
David…How far out are you booked up? We might not get down until early may, end of April at the latest, and would travel with your opening in mind if possible.
Member[quote=”*Lotus”][quote=”DawnVA”]Ah, so my flight is booked for my first visit to CR! Here’s hoping to falling in love with CR so I can continue with my future plans that put me in CR permanently (still working on this permanent part)!
I am planning on visiting the end of April and would like to explore the Atenas, Grecia, Alajuela areas for the possibility of a future move. Heredia is not out of the question either. These are the areas I’m interested in based on what I’ve found in my research, but here’s what I am thinking and maybe you know of other areas that would be worth researching:
As far as living in CR, I am looking in the Central Valley for an area with a good mix of ticos and expats, but preferably more ticos. I do intend to rent, and will not own a car, so I would have to be within walking distance of bus stops/transportation. I would like to be with walking distance of a market/sodas/park/etc but I do not care to see any KFC’s or any other commercial establshiments within walking distance-however, would like to be accessible to these types of establishments within about 30 mins. I’m looking for a small town feel, but yet, not so remote that there aren’t neighbors for miles. I need to be in an area where I will be able to get internet and hot water (not sure if the remoteness plays into this, but I’m sure it does). I need to be within an hour of San Jose, and within two hours of a nice beach for relaxtion time. 1) What areas would you recommend for me to explore in April? With that being said, 2) what area would be a good central point for me to plant my feet in April to explore the areas I am interested in, or that are recommended? Also, my father and his significant other will be traveling with me and are interested in retiring to CR in the near future (they also have a fact-finding 2 week trip planned in June this year for their retirement research). As far as #2 goes, 3) any accommodation recommendations in these areas? Also, I’m not looking for a top notch resort during my April visit that mostly cater to those on vacation, as we will be on the go the majority of the time researching the areas. Thanks so much for your time and responses![/quote]David Murray has a pretty nice looking guest house in Grecia, you can find it by searching the site or perhaps he will chime in. This would be ideal as he could also offer you advice and help with your plans:D
(Hope you don’t mind me suggesting this DM?)[/quote]EXCELLENT advice….we are probably going to do just that ourselves once we know our exact date of travel…….Sounds like a real nice couple!
MemberBEST of luck to you Dawn! We won’t be far behind you!
Please check in every now and then once you’re here (If possible) and let us know how it’s going…….
…Till then, hope to see you on the forums some more!
Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]No, I don’t think you understand.
For your wife to apply under Rentista status , she will be required to ‘deposit’ in a financial institution, $150,000.00 to cover her expenses five years.
[b]If[/b] she has her [b]own[/b] pension of [b]at least $1000 per month[/b], she can apply as a Pensionado, independent of your application. In both categories your children, will be covered [b]if under 18[/b] or attending school .[/quote]YES, I understand this and am well aware of the requirements……..I’ve got it covered, we’ll apply in the proper manner, but thank you for pointing this out to us and looking out for us this way……We’ll do it right.
Member[quote=”jdocop”]What does you having a permanent disability income have to do with your wife applying as a Rentista, as CRF tried to point out to you?[/quote]
Of all people John, I am not going to break down my finances with YOU, I guess you’ll just have to trust that I am a lot smarter than I look….mmmmmmk?
Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]Do you realize what the [url=]Financial Requirements [/url]will be for this?
You have posted previously that you have no savings, so ‘going this route’ would ‘seem impossible’.[/quote]I’m sorry that you missed that I have a permanent disability income…..No worries, but I appreciate EVERY piece of info I get!
Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]You should then consider applying separately for pensionado status, because if and when you [do i]’depart'[/i] your wife will not automatically keep her status, as she and your family are your ‘dependents’ so [b]unless by then you all have Permanent residency[/b][i][/i] she could be required to leave CR. She will need to apply using her own pension. If presently, your spouse does not have a pension of her own, she should apply under the Rentista status. Under Pensionado status your children are covered if they are under 18 or over if they are attending university in Costa Rica. Under Rentista status, they need to apply individually.[/quote]
Once again, my thanks……. We’ll apply as soon as possible once we get there, we just need to apply differently…..Good information!
February 17, 2010 at 1:58 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200840Vmc
Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]No benefit.[/quote]
February 17, 2010 at 7:26 am in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200838Vmc
MemberSomething just occurred to me to ask….boy am I SLOW this week.
Here goes: I have a CCW in the US. Is any weight or consideration given in CR for having a US Concealed Carry Permit?
I know…probably a doofus question, but I had to ask……
Member[quote=”maravilla”]should something happen to you, how would your wife support herself here or what % of your pension would she get to live on? if you cannot live here on half of what your stated income is, there is something terribly wrong. even if you were terribly extravagant you should still be able to sock away a grand a month. nobody ever died from not having a ps3 or wii. they will be so much more culturally rich if you toss those things and get them into more productive ways to spend their time. solo mi dos granos.[/quote]
LOL Maravilla, I enjoy your insights, and you’re right about PS3 deaths.
If I go to the happy hunting ground in the sky, my wife would get a nice chunk in the form of a widow’s benefit and my kids will continue till after college, so I am not worried about her, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna kick off and leave her THERE to have all the fun!!
I know that once they become immersed in the culture and activity that the PS3 and stuff will gather dust……I just hope that [b]I[/b] don’t!!
Member[quote=”Bentley”]WOW, I admire your conviction. Given the residence requirements in CR how do you plan on supporting your family? Unless you have a lot of money stashed away it may be difficult. I hear you in regards to not enjoying the fruits of your labour and I am sure the vast majority of people are in the same boat. My issue and concern with moving is the probability of exchanging one problem for another. Then its a case of which is better in the long run.
Snow is not a problem for us, uh, the Winter Olympics are on here and we have no snow.
Pura Vida![/quote]Thanks I appreciate that….I’m a Disabled Veteran and have a permanent income just North of $4000 a month, and if I am hearing correctly, I might squeak by on that in CR, and my wife and I can enjoy what years I have left, and she, all the years that will follow.
I want the cultural learning for my kids as well……They have been totally polluted with the American Consumerism lifestyle……It will be a while before I will be able to tear the Wii or the PS3 away from them, but we plan on keeping them busy……..Well, as much as possible anyway.
As for SNOW…..blah, I need a TAN!
Pura Vida!
February 16, 2010 at 10:45 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200837Vmc
Member[quote=”Scott”]I’ve just added a short video to one of those articles at [ ]
Taken last week at the range…
Wow Scott, thanks once again.
Is there any provision for full-auto weapons, or limitations on weapons considered “Assault” weapons like the sissy’s in the US Congress have placed limits or some sort of stigma on?
And finally, are weapons overly high-priced, or ammo in limited supply in any way?
I made my reasons clear before, but much like you, and for having been in Law Enforcement at one time, I just feel “naked” without some sort of protection for me and my family, and THEN you add the hobbyist component…….
Can’t wait to meet you all!
Member[quote=”Bentley”]That is exactly how the both of us felt as soon as we got there. It was compounded daily with the people, environment, wildlife and a general feeling of wellbeing and “home”. We plan on returning at least twice this year to look at different areas and towns. If we come into money I can guarantee we will be on the next flight.[/quote]
I can tell you this…. Without ever having been there, we both feel drawn to Costa Rica. So much so, that our timetable for coming down keeps getting shortened.
If we take the time to do this over the course of several visits, then we will never be able to afford to do it, so we will strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.
My wife has become CONSUMED with reading everything she can get her hands on, and as for me, well, you SEE where I am right now……..LOL
We are making plans for the disposition of all we have. What goes, what stays, etc.. We are both just so fed up with making $80k a year and STILL living paycheck to paycheck, and believe me there is NO extravagance in our lives.
I turn 50 in April and my wife 31 in March. She’s working herself to death at a really ROTTEN company, and not even enjoying the fruits of her labor, and I can no longer stand to watch this happen. Add the hell-in-a-handbasket direction this Country is free-falling towards, and our decision is an easy one, it’s the execution we have to get right the first time.
She he deserves better, and fail or succeed, we will be there before all the snow has melted in New York.
I’ve talked to and heard from some fascinating people, who have extended us many kindnesses, and if I have to come down and start another blog and spend my time writing about OUR experiences and helping others then, well, I can once again feel useful.
I have a book in me anyhow, as one can see by my short posts (Sorry), and I can’t think of a better place to start the process.
Pura Vida!
February 16, 2010 at 9:49 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200835Vmc
Member[quote=”Scott”]You may forget the Thompson with the weapons you can rent at this range… Last time my son was here we rented an AK47 which was fun ….[/quote]
Once I’m legal, I’ll bring my AK-47 and everything else down, I just need to know what the import rules are on ammo (i’ll make sure to research this)………I have several hundred rounds of 7.62, 30-30, 9mm, and .22.
I SERIOUSLY want a Barrett (made here locally) in 50 cal. and the newest one, which I’m not sure is even out yet, a 25mm…OMG, what a noise!
I’d hate to have to leave it all in storage here
February 16, 2010 at 5:12 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200832Vmc
Thanks for the insight.[/quote]
Soldier….how bout when I get down there, we track Scott down (He’s slippery, being an Ex-Marine, you know) and we hit the range for some plinking?
Would be nice to get some Expats together for an outing……
(For that matter, who needs to wait for me!??…………LOL)