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Member[quote=”vmc”][quote=”costaricafinca”]Just to obtain a Costa Rican passport is quite fast and easy for a [i]Tico[/i]…but if their intent is to try for a US visa, then that is a whole different kettle of fish…and not cheap.[/quote]
What is involved for a US visa to visit the States say, for a week or two…..Any idea?
[/quote]Thanks to the Bush administration the process to obtain a visa to visit the States takes about two years. 😥
I don’t know what the cost might be.waggoner41
Member[quote=”maravilla”]when you go to the vivero just ask for yellow sour lemons as opposed to the yellow sweet lemons that are ubiquitous here. i forgot to put those on my list of citrus trees — i have two sweet lemon trees and already off each tree i have given away more than 500 lemons, eaten at least that many, and there are dozens on the ground. the Ticos love the sweet lemons; the gringos won’t touch them, but i think they are great, and they are very high in all the nutrients of a regular sour lemon. you can eat them as you would an orange.[/quote]
I knew I had seen the yellow acidic (American) lemons mentioned here and thought it was you who named them but I was mistaken.
They call them Berdelli lemons in Costa Rica.
January 11, 2013 at 9:27 pm in reply to: Failed Hacienda Matapalo Project Reborn as Pacific Estates! Exercise EXTREME caution! #161058waggoner41
MemberThese guys just have a habit of sliding into some reconstituted version of the same thing and think no one will notice.
The problem is that there are more and more newbies who have no clue.
Member[quote=”costaricabill”]Does anyone know if you can pay the municipal taxes in person at BNCR or BCR?[/quote]
There is a BCR teller in the Municipalidad Mora and I pay there but I assume that you can pay at any BCR. I also paid the corporate tax at the Municipalidad
Member[quote=”juliab”]Has anyone had success paying municipal(property) taxes through BN?
I’m going mad trying to be creative with the “cedula juridica” number, but it still comes back with “validation error”. If I use “identificacion” field instead, the page comes back with “no pagos pendiente”, which I know isn’t true.
I’m trying to pay to the Garabito/Puntarenas prov. municipality.
Can anyone, please, help?
Thank you,
Julia[/quote]Try this link:' defer onload='
The taxes have to be paid through Banco de Costa Rica if I am not mistaken.waggoner41
Member[quote=”maravilla”]the lemons that are orange inside are actually sour mandarins. if left on the tree long enough, they will turn orange on the outside, too. i did manage to find a real lemon variety here — the skin is yellow and the pulp nside is a pale yellow as well, and they are very close to the thing we are used to in the States. i had no idea there were so many varieties of citrus available here. i have pineapple oranges, strawberry oranges, blood oranges, navel oranges, valencianas, and two or three other varieties that i haven’t yet identified, plus clementines, tangerines, mesino limes, and key limes. not having to buy citrus here saves me about $3.00 a month! jajaja[/quote]
I remember that you said that real “American” lemon trees could be purcsed in Orotina and you put a name to them. Tell me again what they call them here.
We are planning a trip to Orotina to purchase a variety of citrus and other fruit trees in April.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]you’re asking the Food Fascist to opine about food????? you’ll be sorry!!!
levity aside, i take food very seriously — it can be your medicine or it can kill you. we pretty much eat as Scott does (now) — lots of fruits and veggies, organic whenever possible, meat maybe once of twice a year, some fish and occasionally shrimp for a chinese dish i love.
but basically, my platform is to NOT eat processed foods that contain chemicals, food colorings, or preservatives. there is a world of wonderful things to eat and there is no need to be an experienced cook — Youtube will guide you through the process of making almost anything you want to eat.
no need for cookbooks anymore either — it’s all on the web.
for this new year, i would love it if people just appreciated how wonderful REAL and FRESH food really is.
i read a stat a few years ago that said 90% of all disease is diet-related, so if we all want to live better and longer lives, then eating good food is the way to go.[/quote]
I may not agree with you on many things but one thing we do agree on is processed foods.
The wife is at the feria twice a week and the fruit and vegies are great. She isn’t into making bread but the local panaderia has some good quality baquettes.
Many of our recipes are from the Ticos in the house or off of the internet.
January 1, 2013 at 4:17 pm in reply to: Help! I want to move to Costa Rica but can not sell my home in the USA! #204222waggoner41
Member[quote=”davidd”] you fall in the category of seeing things the way they are then making informed strategic moves as opposed to
hoping things get better
or wishing things ere differently
or thanking god that we are protected by our government pensions and social security
or even worse this deluded thinking that the government will fix everything.
it truly amazes me how obtuse people are in the general population. [/quote]
David the reason the housing problem started is that people were willing to pay more for a house than it cost to build it.
We bought our home in California in 1998 at the price that it would have cost to build it and sold it in 2006 at three times that price. At the time we sold the market had already dropped by 20% and I could not see it coming back.
It allowed us to pay cash for our home in Costa Rica.
Those who thought they were buying an investment got the shaft because they did not know either
(A) what they were doing or
(B) did not think about the consequences.
What is the difference between obtuse and stupid?December 24, 2012 at 5:16 am in reply to: Our cost of living is expected to increase significantly in 2013. #199689waggoner41
Member[quote=”Scott”][quote=”maravilla”]Money-saving tips from the Food Fascist:
Give up meat. Switch to a veggie-based, whole grain and legume diet. It will save you money and save your life.
[/quote]PS. I don’t have time to make my own bread by hand but used to have a terrific Zojirushi bread machine which I used for about 15 years until it just died on me …. Don’t supposed there’s a good bread machine store you know of …. ??
We have a run to Golfito every 3 months or so. I’ll see if there are bread machines available there next run and quote some prices.
Member[quote=”colleen.1″]Am I being stupid but I simply cannot find the “Consultar Sociedades” button???[/quote]
Try this:
The first thing that should come up is a message. Close the message and click on CONSULTA and select PERSONAS JURIDICAS.waggoner41
Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]We have always purchased chicks….and have never seen any layers advertised for sale.
[/quote]Did you get any layers out of them or did you only raise them for the table?
Member[quote=”pranaspakeywest”]Anyone have a good source?
I’m in Quepos, and would prefer not to have to go too far to get them.
I’d rather not get chicks, they’re cute and all, but I don’t want to end up with any roosters, and I figure with chicks it’s a 50/50 kind of thing.
Thanks for any info.[/quote]Same here in Ciudad Colon. We’ve been looking for laying hens for over a month now without success.
Member[quote=”davidd”][quote=”waggoner41″][quote=”sprite”]The only freedoms I or anyone else has are those that can’t be taken away by force. I can’t think of any freedoms anyone has right now which can be guaranteed. It will be interesting to see if the 2nd amendment can be cancelled.[/quote]
Sprite, You evade the question. Name the freedoms you have lost.
You certainly have not lost the freedom to move to Costa Rica if you can afford to do so.[/quote]
since you asked how about these 10 just for starters
Assassination of U.S. citizens, Arbitrary justice, warrantless searches, Secret evidence, War crimes, Secret court, Immunity from judicial review, Continual monitoring of citizens, Extraordinary renditions
I can dig up many more if you like[/quote]
Unless you are doing things that you ought not to be doing I think you have little to fear of these new laws. If you do fear tham then I must assume that you intend harm to citizens of the nation.
You had better keep digging to find [b]valid[/b] freedoms that you have lost.
Member[quote=”davidd”] what is freedom really and can we ever be truly free??? if you ask people of the United states they would regurgitate some sound bite david[/quote]
The fact is that if we are to live in a society we can never truly be free. There are rules and regulations and laws that have been set up over time through experience to keep us from each others throats.
The only way you can truly be free to do anything you want to do is to live away from everyone else so that you offend no one.
Member[quote=”sprite”]The only freedoms I or anyone else has are those that can’t be taken away by force. I can’t think of any freedoms anyone has right now which can be guaranteed. It will be interesting to see if the 2nd amendment can be cancelled.[/quote]
Sprite, You evade the question. Name the freedoms you have lost.
You certainly have not lost the freedom to move to Costa Rica if you can afford to do so.