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Member[quote=”costaricabill”]A friend of mine received the following quote today from his San Jose attorney”
[b]”I have several questions and doubts regarding the process of approval of this law, as well as how it is going to be applied by the Government. In fact, I expect that today several actions of constitutionality will be filed and others were filed about a week ago.
I have been recommending to my clients to wait for a couple weeks before making the payment or take any actions regarding this law. However, in the worst case scenario, the penalty for not pay this tax within this month will be 12 colones per day, some 360 colones per month (less than one dollar).”[/b]
Sounds like good advice to me, and we have all been told that the best attorneys are in the Central Valley!![/quote]
Francisco Villalobos Brenes was the head of Costa Rica’s tax administration and the idea man behind the corporate taxes.
[b]This from the Tico Times of Aprol 4:[/b]
Francisco Villalobos Brenes, head of Costa Rica’s Tax Administration, resigned this Tuesday night as an investigation by local daily La Nación informed he had a tax debt of ¢1.8 million (some $3,500), from his 2008 declaration.There will be a supporting legislation that must be passed before the taxes become official. Now that Francisco Villalobos Brenes has resigned everything seems to be up in the air. My attorney suspects that the suppoerting legislation will be passed just days before the time limit runs out. How we will bw affected is unknown.
Do we need wonder further why the tax system in Costa Rica is not working when the head of the taxation department can flaunt the law?
What is needed is enforcement and enforcement costs money up front. There is no doubt that rigorous enforcement would be profitable but it is not happening.waggoner41
Member[quote=”Doug Ward”][quote=”waggoner41″][quote=”Versatile”]Budget Cuts:
Next month the Immigration Department will start deporting Senior Citizens(instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare Costs. Older people are easier to catch and less likely to remember how to get back home.[/quote]
Didn’t have to catch us…we volunteered. :lol::lol:[/quote]
AMEN. I’m glad Santaklawz left town ! Now I can get back to work ![/quote]BACK TO WORK??? You’re one of the lucky ones.
Member[quote=”vriggle”]When I retire, I can keep my Blue Cross to cover my diabetic supplies that neither the CAJA nor the National Insurance will cover. CAJA because they only give you one kind of insulin and one needle per day and no testing supplies which is totally unacceptable for me and the National Insurance because my condition is pre-existing. So I will have to use my Blue Cross because the supplies are EXPENSIVE. Does anybody do this now for any of their meds or medical supplies? Where do you fill your prescriptions? Or do you have your supplies shipped in to a PO Box or ????? Thanks for any info.[/quote]
My wife has been supplied with the insulin from Caja and we purchase the syringes from the farmacy at anout 70 cents each. The syringes may be available from Caja after her first appointment with the endocrinologist.
The issue of the glucometer is up in the air since Caja only supplies test strips for the Accu-Check Performa device which is no longer available for purchase in Costa Rica.
Her appointment with the endocrinologist is set for May 2 and we will update on what she finds out.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]i know someone who just paid this tax on a corporation that owned his house and he only paid the C67,000.[/quote]
That would be good news but it might depend on when the tax was paid. The tax was supposed to go into effect on April 1st but according to my attorney they are still in the process of making changes.
I have a meeting with her tomorrow and will find out more.
Member[quote=”bstckmn”]I understand that inactive/passive SA´s used by many of us to handle ownership of personal residences in CR is now subject to the new CR tax at the 25% rate. If that is not correct, please tell me. If it is correct, can someone tell me where and how I can make this payment? Thank you. DC Bob[/quote]
In conversation with my attorney yesterday, Aprol 7, I was informed that the [u][b]SA taxes will be applied IN FULL[/b][/u] to any corporation that holds any asset (vehicle, land, house, etc.) whether there is income produced or not.
Member[quote=”Versatile”]Budget Cuts:
Next month the Immigration Department will start deporting Senior Citizens(instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare Costs. Older people are easier to catch and less likely to remember how to get back home.[/quote]
Didn’t have to catch us…we volunteered. :lol::lol:
April 1, 2012 at 5:38 pm in reply to: 46 US warships & 7,000 US Marines on route to Costa Rica? #171869waggoner41
Member[quote=”Franny”] I completely agree with you. In spite of risking being called a conspiracy nut, I think it’s just part of a global world government. With the Patriot Act and now the NDAA signed by Obamanation we may not be able to leave the country if we don’t get out soon. What’s the point of going to Costa Rica if it becomes a U.S. partner?[/quote]
This is an old story from July 2010 that is long gone. If you think Costa Rica is a puppet of the U.S. take a look at the rest of the planet.
Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.I don’t know where you get your facts but globalization is a an inevitable FACT brought on by the interaction of commerce worldwide.
Think in terms of history. Commerce originated thousands of years ago as bartering within a community and then spread to trading and selling town to town. Over time it became small time trading nation to nation (recall the Silk Road from China to Europe?). As our ability to transport goods further and further globalization is the obvious end result.
Conspiracy theory? What a nutty way to think of it.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]sure you can! it’s great mental exercise. when i read something in spanish now, i always analyze the sentence structure and label the tenses of verbs. i think it’s really important to understand that part of the language — are you doing something now, in the future, in the past, or will you maybe do it, or have done it, etc. i always hated english grammar when i was in school, but i liked french and spanish — don’t ask me why.[/quote]
Obviously you were better in the English grammer classes than most of us. I was very poor in those classes.
I understand that verbs are the most important part of language but from there I am lost.There are 22 forms of verb, in no particular order they are:
Indicative, Perfect Subjunctive, Perfect Subjunctive, Present, Future Perfect, Future Subjunctive, Present Perfect, Subjunctive, Preterit, Past Perfect, Imperfect Subjunctive, Past Perfect Subjunctive, Imperfect, Preterite Perfect, Present Subjunctive, Future Perfect Subjunctive,
Conditional, Conditional Perfect, Imperfect Subjunctive #2, Imperative, Future , Present PerfectI understand past, present and future in English and I learned to speak and write well when it comes to English but have no idea what form of verb I am using by name.
Are you up for teaching us about verb usage? 😆
Member[quote=”maravilla”]Aqui vendo mi camión viejo
Vendo — first person singular Vender = I sell, i am selling
mi camión viejo = my old truck
[/quote]There is no way I am going to know Spanish that well before I pass from this mortal coil. I’ll never get past the locals referring to me as Gringo Loco.
Member[quote=”crhomebuilder”] Costa Rica has a stable democracy, a disbanded military and a national policy of neutrality. It also ranks highly on the Global Peace Index, Happy Planet Index, and Life Satisfaction Index. [/quote]
If the corrupt politicians were gone it would be next to ideal.
Member[quote=”Versatile”] I would also go to a car forum for that particular vehicle and get info there from a gear head that knows you car inside and out.[/quote]
Part of the problem I have found is getting the proper parts for vehicles brought down from the States, particularly older models.
I brought a 1980 Datsun pickup with a 1982cc motor and have had to get a starter rewound and install an electric fuel pump.waggoner41
Member[quote=”Scott”]Here’s an excellent English summary of the problems faced by the CAJA – Costa Rica’s health care system….
[ ]
Please copy and paste the full website address in your browsers window… [/quote] [b]Note:[/b] It was necessary for me to do a reply with quote in order to copy the full URL.
Part of the problem is that management exceeds its level of competence with managers getting into positions which they are not competent to handle.
As with any bureaucracy there are probably those who have found ways to enrich themselves at the expense of the system.
This is another instance of the overwhelming effect of what goes on in the U.S. affecting many other countries. The world-wide recession has cut tourism in Costa Rica and the associated income of the nation.
The pay scale for medical staff is depressed in the Caja system but the idea of providing pay increases totalling 45% over a period of two years borders on insanity. The more realistic 6.4% may be a little short of providing more than the rate of inflation but it is fair.
When you consider that the average Tico employee and employer pay a combined 31% (around 70,000 colones) in to the Caja the cost to expats is minimal. I would expect to see increases in the cost of Caja for expats particularly for deals like those offered by ARCR are concerned.
I would also like to thank organizations like the [b]Women’s Club of Costa Rica[/b] for their generous donations of technology to the Caja system.
MemberStupid is as stupid does…Forrest Gump
March 5, 2012 at 1:05 am in reply to: Costa Rica’s Chinchilla Calls for Drug Legalization Debate #202240waggoner41
Member[quote=”Scott”]”It may seem like semantics, but Portugal’s experiment in decriminalizing drugs (not legalizing them) has had some pretty impressive results. ”
The results are impressive: A drop in HIV rates, a drop in street overdoses and a drop in overall drug abuse (except marijuana). People don’t flock to Portugal from across Europe to abuse drugs. “The apocalypse never came,”
What do you think?
Legalization and taxation of Marijuana would benefit the States and domestic production would take over much of the market.
Decriminalizing cocain, heroin and other ‘hard drugs’ will not stop the murders which are wars over market share. Whether the drugs are decriminalized or not will make little difference.
The biggest problem is that too many politicians have their pockets filled by the cartels negating any real solution.
Member[quote=”Trishy”]I am 62 and am thinking of retiring in Costa Rica. This is kind of general but are there many other single expats there? All I seem to read about are couples. What’s it like for single people?
Also, is long term care affordable.
I appreciate any responses. Thank you.[/quote]
Not too long ago this question was asked. You will find our responses [url=]Here[/url]
Depending on your circumstances it could be a good move. 😀