Forum Replies Created
Member[quote=”Calatrava”] Ever thought of getting a hole dug and spray wire mesh with shotcrete?[/quote]
We just installed a driveway using synthestic fiber mixed in the concrete rather than any metal. It provides a flexibility and doesn’t run into the rust problems that are sometimes experienced.
Need to ask a few questions to see if this might be a viable alternative with shotcrete. 🙂
Member[quote=”janetl2424″]My spouse and I have been in communications with an attorney in San Jose who advised us that an option for us to relocate from the US to CR would be to form a local corporation in CR wherein one of us is appointed Manager, which would qualify the appointed Manager for residency as Executive/Self Employed. We would then live off funds we deposit into a bank under the corporation’s name until we are eligible to apply for citizenship, which he explained would take 7 years. Can anyone elaborate on this? Thank you.[/quote]
You can take a look [url=]here[/url] for more information. It sounds like he is talking about the “Rentista” residency.
MemberPanic attack, panic attack!!!
I live in Ciudad Colon Costa Rica in a 12 person household. On the night of January 11, 2012 all of us were awake until 2AM while four of our household and two guests were playing the card game Uno, the kids were watchin cartoons and I was at the computer until 2AM. The only sounds were those of conversation and the occasional “Uno”. THERE WAS NO HUM AND NO STRANGE SOUND!
Now we have some [url=]religious nut on[/url] telling us he is privy to God’s plan?How these things get started…
1st man to 2nd man “Did you hear that strange sound last night?”
2nd to 1st “No, I didn’ hear nuttin.”
1st to 2nd “Yeah, man. It was like a diesel, far away.”
2nd to 1st “Yeah? Maybe I heard sunthin.”
1st to 2nd “Yeah, man. Really strange.”
2nd to 1st. “Oh, yeah, man. I think your right.
Parting ways…
2nd man to 3rd man “Did you hear that strange sound last night?”
3rd to 2nd “No I did’n hear nuttin.”
2nd to 3rd “Yea, man, really strange.”…
and on and on and on and on. PANIC ATTACK, PANIC ATTACK! 🙄waggoner41
MemberMy wife and I had much the same experience when we visited in 2006. Somehow on our way to visit a friend in Jaco we got off of the highway at Orotina onto a road that was badly in need of repair. With all of the twists and turns we ended up about 5 miles off of the highway before we ran into a farmer just coming out of a pulperia and asked “Donde es Jaco?”.
Seeming to know that we were short on Spanish he pointed to his pickup and indicated that we should follow him. From about 5 miles south of Orotina he led us back to the highway and then all the way to the outskirts of Jaco, a total distance of about 30 miles.
He turned around and went back the way we had come with nothing more than a “Muchas, muchas gracias.”
That is what we live with here. I don’t know about San Jose, where life is much more like in the States, but the people in the countryside will go out of their way to help.
Pura Vida! 😀
Member[quote=”sprite”]The best method for avoiding identity theft is to get off of the financial grid as much as is practical for your situation.
If your wealth is mostly of the paper and electronic kind, you are already suffering an actual loss… and not from identity theft either. Inflation is degrading the value of fiat currency on a daily basis. Inflation is not a potential loss, it is a real, actual and ongoing loss whereas identity theft is only a potential.[/quote]
Lucky me. The only assts I own are concrete and dirt in the home and the land that it sits on.
Of course I realize that my retirement income is taking a beating but if there isn’t much income there isn’t much to lose. 😆
The kids ask me why I never lock my beat up 1980 Datsun pickup and I just tell them I would have to feel sorry for the thief and probably find it within 1/2 mile.You are such a pessimist, Sprite
Member[quote=”costaricabill”]Does anyone use (and recommend) one of the identity theft services, and/or on line security companies for file protection?
If so, please share your thoughts and experience.
Gracias![/quote]I’ve never used anything like that, Bill.
If anyone stole my identity and looked at my financial situation they would probably take pity on me and make a deposit to my bank account. 😆
Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]Our dogs presently have ticks and botflies, and have had medicines, powders, shots….
Luckily, we have just had the ticks!:roll:[/quote]One of our dogs was susceptible to bot flies and we began spraying him daily with [b]OFF[/b] for three weeks. He hasn’t been bothered by the flies in several months but I am reserving judgement as to whether the treatment, for reasons I don’t know, may be permanent until a year has passed.
Member[quote=”natural”]Please help us to get rid of ticks on our dog and in the house? we already seen vet and bought color and special repellent, we use pest control from the vet every 3 days, we washibng dog with special soup every 3 days nothing really works. Please help![/quote]
We have a similar problem west of Colon. We have an acre of land and the entire place should be treated to prevent ticks. If you have a small yard it shouldn’t amount to very much but the process of extracting the essential oils from the crushed original product will amount to some work.
I’m looking at the necessity of applying this spray every month but it remains to be seen how long it will be effective. We live in a particularly vulnerable area.A study was done to determine what might be effective in [url=]tick control[/url]. This is a down-loadable .pdf file from which I extracted only the pertinent information.
A biological evaluation was made with raw hydro alcoholic extracts (R-OH) to determine the most promissory compounds… The species that produced the highest mortality were Zizigium aromaticum ([b]cloves[/b]), Morus alba ([b]mulberry[/b]), Piper nigrum([b]black pepper[/b]) and the mixture of Allium sativu m ([b]garlic[/b]) – Z. aromaticum ([b]cloves[/b]).One of our dogs became anemic but we caught it early. The vet prescribed antibiotics [b]Doxiciclin 100mg[/b] for 5 days and [b]Prednisol 20mg[/b] for 3 weeks of antibiotic treatment.
Member[quote=”costaricabill”] Last year or 2010, several people mentioned a lady’s name and phone number at the Dept. of Immigration that is very helpful looking up the status of your file. If anyone can direct me to those discussions or provide me with her name and phone number I would be greatly appreciative.
Very good customer service at Migracion
Maria Jose Lizano, Office of Controloria
Office phone: 2299-81-09Her English is pretty good. She had no English for tramite which I interpreted as transaction but is actually process.
When you come through the main gate and walk up the front of the building I believe that the second entry then first door on the right. Knock and tell them you need Maria or an English speaker. Best to call first. I’m not sure she is there every day.
February 15, 2012 at 5:18 pm in reply to: The Crooks at the ‘Federal’ Reserve Will Make Your Cost Of Living Rise Substantially #167063waggoner41
Member[quote=”agarcia”]Nobody addressed my comment about past inflation. Oh well. Let’s talk about sprite. Lol[/quote]
ag, If you search “federal reserve act” on Google the second link will allow you to download a copy of the Federal Reserve Act in .pdf format.
The Fed is doing exactly what it was chartered to do between 1929 and 1933. The failure of the Fed led to the failure of more than 1/3 of the banks in the U,S. It has the responsibility of providing elasticity to the financial system under circumstances like we are experiencing to make sure that banks are able to cover their transactions. Once the need for the increase is over it is destroyed in the same manner that it was created.
I agree that QE1 and QE2 effectively devalued the dollar but prevented the recession from becoming a full fledged depression.
The larger problem is the removal of the dollar from the gold standard. If total inflation had been calculated from 1935 to 1972 and gold repriced at that inflated rate and allowed to fluctuate with inflation an ounce of gold would be worth over $10,000 today. Instead it was left to the machinations of the commodities markets to set the price.
Member[quote=”Scott”] While they argue about how and when to implement fiscal reform, the debts are mounting… [/quote]
Politicians are notorious for their lack of knowledge of economics. They will argue over the most assinine trivia and never have a clue as to the fallout of their decisions. I think most politicians worldwide are trying to figure out ways to put cash in their own pockets and ignoring the future of their countries.
[quote=”Scott”]”La firma calificadora de riesgo Standard & Poor’s mantuvo la calificación de riesgo de la deuda de largo plazo de Costa Rica, aunque advirtió que la ausencia de ajustes que permitan al país una mejoría en el terreno fiscal podría degradar las notas en el futuro.”[/quote]
Costa Rica is still in much better shape than many of the European countries. The decisions that [b]must[/b] be made will anger a lot of citizens if the decision makers gain the intelligence to do it. You have to hope it doesn’t get as bad as it is in Greece if they do.
Member[quote=”rxmurphy”]This weeks Tico Times as scaring me a bit. Or are the Caja budget cuts just another example of government inefficiency?
[url=]Your text to link here…[/url][/quote]The Caja has had financial problems forever primarily becase of an inefficient tax department that can’t seem to find tax cheats.
Member[quote=”Ronny”] I’ve only been here a week and have already spilled milk all over my shirt twice.
Dos Pinos really needs to take a look at upgrading their milk cartons in my opinion.:idea:
[/quote]A whole week???
Wait until you’ve been here a while and realize the futility of trying to change the way things are done in Costa Rica. 😆February 14, 2012 at 3:14 am in reply to: The Crooks at the ‘Federal’ Reserve Will Make Your Cost Of Living Rise Substantially #167057waggoner41
Member[quote=”Scott”] “In effect, the Fed has announced a course of action that will steal — there is no better word for it — nearly 10 percent of the value of American’s hard earned savings over the next 4 years.”
If the issue of the dollar and the gold standard had been dealt with correctly in 1972 the value of an ounce of gold would be over $10,000 now rather than the paltry $1700 to $1800 it is and we would not even be having this discussion. 🙄
Member[quote=”costaricabill”] W-41: I really wish I could get it licensed, and I have tried. I used the word “quad” to avoid a long description. It is actually a Club Car 3-cyl diesel, selective 4-wheel drive with side by side seating and a small pick-up bed in the back. It only goes about 45kph, but it will go places I shouldn’t go!
I have put a full light package on it – everything but high beams (which RTV requires). Also, they say I need a speedometer, but there is no speedometer connection like on quads. I asked if they would accept my GPS (which reads out the speed), but they say “no”. Also, I added the plastic windshield, so now they say I need windshield wipers![/quote]
You add one thing and it requires that you add another…the first thing you know you have a full blown truck, which is NOT what you wanted in the first place. 🙄
[quote=”costaricabill”] It has yellow “VE” placas (Vehicle Especial) so I guess that’s why the local police haven’t bothered me – they probably don’t know what that is.[/quote]
My dealings with the traffic cops here have all been positive. They can come on hard because they get a lot of opposition from those trying to avoid a ticket or trying to buy them off.
I would talk to the local traffic cop and see what he says. You might find that he understands your predicament and just waves as you go by. 😀 -