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  • in reply to: The Happiest place on Earth is…. #174087

    [quote=”Scott”]In 50 years and living in dozens of countries, I’ve never lived anywhere else where the people are genuinely happier…

    Have you?[/quote]

    The answer, of course, is no.

    Ticos seem to face their problems and deal with them as best they can and if they come out the other end with family, friends and everything else intact they are satisfied and realize that things could be worse.

    I believe they think the poll resulta sre funny because they do have the same issues as anyone else. It’s a matter of attitude.

    in reply to: Just a wonder #160656

    But the question remains . . . why? Why don’t we talk about Joe Biden’s religion? Or Sean Hannity’s? Or Antonin Scalia’s? Or Alfred E. Neuman’s? Why President Obama’s? [/quote]
    1 – Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of Fox News Channel’s talking heads.
    2 – Because he’s black.
    3 – He doesn’t fit their mold.
    4 – His step-father was Muslim.
    5 – He was born in a foreign country – Hawaii.
    6 – Because people would rather live in fear of something rather than live their redundant boring lives. Their fears are the only thing they’ve got to push their adrenalin.

    Actually Barack Obama didn’t exist before he announced that he would run for president. He was dropped in Chicago by aliens who brainwashed all of the people who claim they knew him and manufactured all of the documents referring to him.

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”] Or . . . Why don’t we shift the discussion to some other topic altogether like maybe, coming to or living in (say) Costa Rica?[/quote]

    My reason…it irritates me. With all the topics that are relavant to Scotts intentions I look at a remark that is parroted from the mouths of talking heads who the author knows are paid to push his/her buttons but rather than having the moxy to do basic research they accept it unedited. It’s like playing with the minds of children.

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”] Me? I come down on the side of the green cheese crowd. [/quote]

    Here we are going to have a disagreement. I am in favor of Bleu cheese which can sometimes have a greenish cast to it and I believe the warehouse is in Nevada unless they have moved it.

    in reply to: Just a wonder #160652

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]Why are we even having this discussion? What’s the point?[/quote]

    Although the point is inappropriate for this discussion I think that it expresses the feeling among many misinformed, especially among conservatives, that Obama is a Muslim.

    I think, too, that many think that because we are living in Costa Rica that we do not share a concern for America.

    The source is Fox News Channel and I have had an ongoing conversation with my conservative classmates (’59) shooting down their theories and pointing out that you have to have a broader view than what is offered by Limbaugh, Hannity and Company.

    in reply to: Gulf Oil Disaster – What to do #158385

    [quote=”kshatzer”]Ahhh, a prime example of why I didn’t move to Costa Rica; couldn’t take all you enviornmental wacoos that want to sit around and sing kumbyah all day long. I live on the gulf coast and although it is bad, it is not as bad as the media plays it up to be. With all you doomsayers plus the NY Times we all would be back to horses and buggies with a life expectancy of 30 years.[/quote]

    This comment gives good reason for most of us to say “Thank God he cant deal with it.”

    in reply to: Gulf Oil Disaster – What to do #158384

    [quote=”kshatzer”]Ahhh, a prime example of why I didn’t move to Costa Rica; couldn’t take all you enviornmental wacoos that want to sit around and sing kumbyah all day long. I live on the gulf coast and although it is bad, it is not as bad as the media plays it up to be. With all you doomsayers plus the NY Times we all would be back to horses and buggies with a life expectancy of 30 years.[/quote]

    Lives on the Gulf ooast but obviously doesn’t make a living on the Gulf coast. He doesn’t state where on the Gulf coast he lives either. Kinda hard to tell if he is blind to the plight of others or just out of the way.

    in reply to: Gulf Oil Disaster – What to do #158378

    [quote=”maravilla”] Sure why not execute the people that took all the financial risks to enable the American economy to function with lower gas prices for decades? Without offshore drilling I wonder what the price of gasonline would have been over the last twenty years?[/quote]

    I wonder what the total is that has been paid out to the petroleum industry with our tax money through the federal government to keep those prices low.
    I would bet that in total we have paid European prices when you include those handouts.

    in reply to: Gulf Oil Disaster – What to do #158367

    Mankind has been a cancer on the planet ever since we came out of caves.

    We have destroyed forests, moved mountains, fouled our air and water and generally made our home a toilet at a quickening pace since the industrial revolution began.

    Do any of you really think we will learn a lasting lesson from this disaster? We haven’t managed that trick yet.

    As soon as the oil stops spouting and this is partially cleaned up we will continue on as if nothing had happened.

    The human race is smart but in reality lacks intelligence.

    in reply to: Just a wonder #160644

    And, while the country is broke, losing tax revenuse and even resorting to giving tickets for anything just to pay the bills-

    I seem to recall tax cuts in 1983, 1986 and 2001 that have basically “left this country broke”.

    Supply side economics didn’t work before and it doesn’t work now. A policy of laissez faire from 2001 to 2009 got the economy into trouble. Do remember that the economic crisis began on Bush’s watch, not Obama’s.

    When a person is through ranting emotionally do they stop to think? or do they just continue ranting emotionally ad infinitum?

    in reply to: Bug help #159371

    [quote=”bogino”]If bugs are bothersome why did you move to Costa Rica? Seems kind of odd given that Costa Rica is famous for BUGS…BUGS…and MORE BUGS.[/quote]

    Having just planted 27 fruit trees and having an invasion of leaf cutters isn’t exactly what I would call a fear of bugs.

    Or maybe, in your mind, I should just let them have my fruit trees.

    in reply to: Bug help #159368

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Take your [i]mangos and worms[/i] in a plastic baggie, to your local hardware or animal feed store. They will tell you what you need.[/quote]

    THank you CRF

    in reply to: Bug help #159366

    [quote=”maravilla”]of my two dogs, only one has any interest in the bufos, and that’s the dog who is nearly blind and 16.5 years old. i have an enclosed garden with a 9 foot high wall around it, so i have to put them out there at night to pee. there’s no way the bufos can get in that space. i’ve got a couple of them that show up on my terrace that are HUGE!!! i guess there is a lot to eat for them!

    can’t help you on the worm problem. it’s not warm enough where i live to grow mangoes.[/quote]

    We will have to live with the bufos. Every year they come back with the rains.

    I’ll have to let a few of the worms go to maturity to find out exactly what they are and go from there.


    in reply to: Bug help #159365

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]Waggoner, you must be very aggressive about dealing with the leaf cutter ants. You can think that you’ve got them eradicated, turn your back, and (surprise!) they’re back. Treat the entire colony lightly with the Mirex pellets which they’ll actually take down into the ground where the Mirex does its magic. If you use too many, however, the ants seem to get it and they stop taking them underground.

    That’s when the powder pump and Lorsban come into play. As before, you have to be vigilant to pump the Lorsban into every opening while not inhaling any of it yourself.[/quote]

    Advice taken. Thanks.

    in reply to: Finding a job #159984

    [quote=”ticorealtor”][code]If the Ticos you know are from families of middle class and above they have a definite head start and their parents can afford private schools.[/quote]/code]
    I don’t think my wife was included in this group.
    She was born and raised in the middle of San Jose and went to the oldest all girls school in the country in the middle of SJ.[/quote]

    I am familiar with the Colegio de la Senoritas.
    Now your wife might be able to give me some direction. Like I said it gets to the point that you feel your are pounding rocks. What motivated her toward education? Parents or something else? I feel like I am driving against the cultural difference between Americans and Ticos.

    Education for these kids is very important to me and it may be too late to motivate the oldest but I have to do what I can.

    in reply to: Bug help #159362

    [quote=”maravilla”]they do serve a purpose and they are cheaper than hiring a cleaner for a couple of hours. i used mirex on the leaf cutters last year after they ate 5 citrus trees in as many days. they had built an entire condo at the bottom of my hill, but i killed every one of them and they haven’t been back since.[/quote]

    We just planted 27 fruit trees and the leaf cutters went after the citrus immediately. I’d welcome the army ants back again. We didn’t see them last year but if they came by every year we probanly wouldn’t have ther problem with the leaf cutters as bad as we do.

    I found out that the Bounce fabric softener sheets will deter the leaf cutters but they only work for the trees small enough to tie them around. I dont know about other brands of softener sheets.

    How about the worms in mangos and mangas? Anybody have a solution for them? I dont like using chemicals but I’m thinking about the organic Pyrethrum (made from Chrysanthemums) as a last resort.

    The only other problem we have are the Cane toads. The cats and dogs want to play with them and that could be fatal.

    in reply to: Bug help #159360

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]Are the “ant highways” being a problem? If these are migrating colonies, it might be better to just let ’em pass by. We’ve had ant migrations that lasted for several hours. It was pretty spectacular, but nothing bad happened.[/quote]

    No they are locals building a city I think. We have discovered several hills scattered around the property.

    Thanks for the help. That gives me an idea where to look.

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