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  • in reply to: Non-resident financing in Costa Rica #179690

    I guess you misunderstood my point. My point was that u are a guest here and it is disrespectful to publish anything that u find here, but by the comments u just received from The website founder, it is also illegal. Point proven. U are quite hotheaded so I will make my point clear; I only ask people do the right thing. I don’t remember saying anything about bloody children or lynchings so it is not I that has gone off the deep end.

    Thank you SCOTT for the clarification and your site has been a tremendous help in my search to find a solution for my friend. 🙂

    in reply to: Non-resident financing in Costa Rica #179686


    I am new to this whole forum but it seems to me to be pretty disrespectful for you (Jenny) to take information provided within the walls of this forum that requires a membership and essentially using it for your own solicitation of business. It is your choice to use the information but you cannot publish his quoted information without his permission. I don’t know the specific legalities but it is wrong and if you leave his name out it is simply plagiarism….definition straight from the dictionary:

    the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.

    Hope u get booted sorry but you don’t deserve the right to be on this forum any longer.

    in reply to: Non-resident financing in Costa Rica #179682


    Thank you for that info. It has been a struggle finding a path to Stewart title as I had been referred to them before but struggled to make contact. However I have been looking into Caribbean Mortgages a private investor….have you heard about this company in specific or private investors in general becoming commonplace there for out of country buyers? I definitely would prefer to stay with banks if possible but also want a backup plan just in case.

    Thanks again,


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