If this your first time driving in Costa Rica, you may not be aware of the one lane bridges on 2 lane “main” roads. I know I was not. And I think this was a main road by Costa Rican standards.
Only be the grace of God and following another car in the mountains between San Jose and Jaco I avoided a headon with a bus coming down the mountain over the bridge at about 40 miles on hour. This was after I had been very upset to myself as to why this “crazy” driver in front of me suddenly slowed and stopped. If they had not been there, I would not have seen this and bus would have driven through me.
I have also traveled several places by bus with a friend. She would always sits in the back of the bus. Now I know why!! The buses though are very nice and would recomend them as an alternate to driving to other areas for visits and are very inexpensive.
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