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  • in reply to: Insights about painting in Costa Rica #185121

    tomaters tomatos.
    clandestine to say the least.I’m appalled at the money trail. it comes in through 3 channels and leaves through one.very little is used to improve anything for the locals.I’d say thats as american as cowboys and INDIANS.

    in reply to: Insights about painting in Costa Rica #185119

    I didn’t twist anything.I’ve seen alot and spoke to way too many folks that “had” someone they could(thought anyways)communicate with.
    people get taken either cause they are arrogant ignorant,or just naive.theirs nothing any web-site can do for these ailments.
    the greatest percentage of the problems that are brought here are ones already in motion.
    and helping others figure out how to live somewhere?
    you got pioneers and fluffsters.
    I got 1 suggestion for anyone wishing to move. spend 3 mos. in A cheap apt.ride A bike,follow anyone with A laptop briefcase to the coffeehouse, sit close, read their window and eavesdrop on their conversation.

    in reply to: Insights about painting in Costa Rica #185117

    if you select a contractor that you can communicate with you’ve got an american leading. theirs some good Tico contractors. I met A Dutch guy in the airport, he’s got some tico partners and from our conversation it is working well.

    in reply to: Insights about painting in Costa Rica #185115

    don’t forget you only paint what you’ll see.I saw several walls backing up to A neighboring property that had no paint or primer.alot of the block cementing for years was done with beach sand.which will eventually erode.then what about the partially built buildings that have exposed steel re-bar that rusts then months later the project re-starts.once the re-bar starts to erode it will perpetuate even after being encased in concrete.
    I see so many homes that have out-of-country owners that are not aware of so many discrepencies in the process.
    if’n your gonna have A home built you may want to have someone for A fee to give you A weekly report.A good co-ordinator will not only watch the project you can have A better count on the materials.

    in reply to: Paragon Properties of Costa Rica #184994

    get your money back and got to Jaco. theirs about 154 american real estate agents you can see about land.

    in reply to: Guanacaste gone mad?? #184576

    wouldn’t it be something if the pay scale matched the value as it does in the states?

    in reply to: Crime in the streets #184912

    we were in canas, with kids. my G/F and her kids are real touristy looking. they went to take A photo of the church and then to musmannis.I was lagging behind. to shorten the story,4 guys were A team.1 seemed to be the pickpocket and the other 2 were going to hit the vehicle. one was the lookout.I know A little about life on the down side. these guys found out that not all are marked for crime.
    don’t look the part and always keep someone away from you and watchful.
    we spent nights late walking to mc,d’s in aljuela,and several other towns.isidro,fortuna,SJ and had no problem.
    when they observe you observing them it takes them short.

    in reply to: panama vs costa rica #183461

    in respect to what? resale?politics? military?
    I know that where I am presently (c.r.)every american is A real estate agent.oh,I did meet A missionary.he owns A business.

    in reply to: Jaco Investments #183065

    I am A floridian. I watched it go down the tubes when all the nasty people showed up with this grand idea that things were gonna be better.they came they saw I suffered. before I left I was making less money putting in more hours(and I’m talkin within 5 years) and every customer talked with an accent,northern.
    funny the resemblance.
    oh, the 20.00 A day job,don’t believe all you hear. ride A bus to oratina and talk to the guy with sawdust on him or concrete on 3 yr. old boots,yea, I asked him why his boots were all tied up and re-stitched instaed of getting new ones. you don’t want to know the answer. and ask the developer to show you where his workers live when they are here working.can you say real big tin can on dirt floors?take the main street through Jaco and cross the little bridge, look to the right. or on the other end one block in from the beach.come on, how can A human do that to another, then lie to you about it. don’t contact them follow the workers home. talk to them at the beach while they are relaxing after A 12 hr. day.these things I do.

    Edited on Apr 30, 2007 15:57

    in reply to: Jaco Investments #183061

    4 new national birds reside in Jaco alone. the skycrane.that alone tells me the capital is here. I don’t know how to reply to the tico co, ownership other than to say they may have learned from the american that no middle class keeps him and his money safe.
    I would never feel A wee bit strange lending life to anyone. after all when we improve the lives of those below us we have A place to look for the help we will one day need.and they may be eye level when we look.God bless the working man. cause at 20 A day no-one else is.

    in reply to: Jaco Investments #183055

    when you bring any capital base to an area you increase the standard of all that it affects.treating someone fairly means you take it upon yourself to improve the economy of said area, not exploit it for it’s “standards”.holding someone down for A profit is sad. maybe someone will show up and teach them more than just how to bow.

    in reply to: Jaco Investments #183052

    I wouldn’t go as far to say it’s an economic boom. maybe for investors and developers,yes. but at 20 bucks A day the work force is never gonna be able to survive.would you like #’s from an eavsdropper? land in bulk,650 an acre, sold in lots at 60,000
    to 188,000. now the home built for less than american prices,sold for american prices and the labor 1/12th what we get in the states for tradesman.jaco is beautiful. it’s great, had it been left to it’s own devices.somethings gotta give. for property owners that didn’t build for themselves, you just short of used/implemented slave force mentality. your builder and developer exploited some one for something. you didn’t win anything but someone sure they’re not american or canadian or germen or french.
    that said, how bout A rally to bring up the pay scale so’s these kind folks can compete in A market they never asked for?

    in reply to: Costa Rica construction methods #182174

    thats funny,he sounds like me.I can build “it” no matter what it is.I can decide the plumbing and eletrical and poke at them.yet to do any more I hire A pro.too many feathers in my cap and it diminishes my reputation.

    in reply to: Costa Rica construction methods #182171

    is the quality of const. that not good (don’t want to seem over-examining and use the word “bad”)that you’ve built 2 homes in A year and A half and had to do repairs to electrical already?I regularly do large scale re-models and build anything thats got prints(and some things that have lousy prints(funny pages)and rarely have seen failure with immediacy.on A side note,your suggestion WILL be heeded,thanks!

    in reply to: What is your cost of living in Costa Rica? #181902

    jerry,thats too cool.

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