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  • wspeed1195

    Their would be no war on drugs were their not addicts doing what they do for, or as A result of the illicit drugs.


    As A collector I would think you would know that. Now I’m gonna google it.


    [quote=”Barbed1″]A public health problem,drug addiction,can not be fixed by the war on drugs. Unfortunately people who have never had a drug problem WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND ADDICTION. I am 10+ years clean and sober and have never met a non addict who understands addiction. Their answer is always ,Just quit! As long as you fit your narrow preception of who and what drug abusers are you will never really understand the real problem. I never was or met a prostitute so I really don’t have an opinion on that issue.
    Just saying[/quote]Legalization and addiction don’t belong in the same conversation. I’ve also found my way out through an on-going recovery process for 23 years now.
    When I was in the grip of my disease you could have legalized all drugs and I would still do exactly what I was doing.
    Legalization is for people who have normal lives that indulge themselves from time to time and drugs don’t have the addictive nature that it had on me. I was an addict very shortly after my first use at 9. It was alcohol, it became pot by 11 and so on. By 19 I had sold kilos. That was in 1979 when the price of the product was $60,000 A kilo. Just like the disease, the lifestyle is progressive. It grows, it gets bigger,more lucrative, more dangerous and eventually it is the proud owner of another life.
    I was as addicted to the violence in miami as I was the dope. Addiction manifested itself into all areas of my life.

    in reply to: Lake Arenal #166080

    Fairy tale ending. That’s really cool. I love the southern Dominical and OSA area the most. Then la fortuna and Arenal.

    in reply to: FATCA – The despicable truth for U.S citizens abroad #169196

    Gee gee said give up citizenship. I would gladly change places with,or trade my US citizenship for A costa rican citizenship. Hey, that’s just me.

    in reply to: Honey bees #203351

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Honey bees #203349

    Do folks raise them there in hives?

    in reply to: Jaco area #204708

    You can live around parrita,they’ve got pretty much everything you’d want. Banderas beach,Palo Seco, down further,past Quepos is Matapalo,then’s not A long distance for once A week shoppers,a lot of things to do locally as A small foray,the highway between Quepos and Dominical is in.
    I lived in Jaco,then again in hermossa,what you see and are affected by,is of yourown was there,i wasn’t there for life bumped along,I was A guy,who spoke passable Spanish,made folks laugh,helped some of the locals with drugproblems and they responded with kindness.
    Homes where you make it.I live better there mentally than here in the states with allthis stuff.

    in reply to: Obama may cut Social Security says Sen. Sanders #171442

    How bout cut congressional retirement first.and all the money spent on security for the past politicians.I have to protect myself from past indisgressions.

    in reply to: Can you imagine “los huevos” on these people? #158459

    Bet none of the illegal workers will be so dumb,they’re saving for early retirement.something only lottery winners in the US can do.

    in reply to: Ticos and bread by the loaf ? #158156

    Better than anyThing,was going to musmanis or another fresh bread spot and getting A warm loaf.

    in reply to: Paragon Properties Fraud $30-50 million. #173802

    [quote=”Doug Ward”]LOL.
    These people are allowed to vote. See the results :shock::roll:[/quote]Voting,,,AND making babies.future promotion of ignorance.

    in reply to: Money Laundering in Costa Rica #205014

    theirs alot of folks that know alot of stuff,about the drug trade,and wisely, they smile and keep on moving.

    in reply to: Iron bars specialist #160052

    snapshot,pictures photos,kodak imagery,
    they’re great to have so if folks ask again they have some references.
    like Tom doing his home in Palo Seco.he did snappies for us.

    in reply to: Iron bars specialist #160050

    [quote=”lavemder”]Thank you David so much.
    We will get in touch with them.Will keep you all updated[/quote]snappies,we like snappies.

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