How’s That Recovery Working Out For You?
Americans are getting poorer. As the New York Times writes:
“The inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $87,992 in 2003. Ten years later, it was only $56,334, or a 36 percent decline…Those are the figures for a household at the median point in wealth distribution — the point at which there are an equal number of households whose worth is higher and lower. But during the same period, the net worth of wealthy households increased substantially.”
That number is bad enough. The typical US household has had its net worth decline by 36% in a decade when adjusted for inflation. But, it’s worse than that. That inflation number, be sure to remember, is the inflation figure adjusted by the government’s CPI which heavily understates inflation. Money printing (which is what inflation is which causes the symptom of price inflation) has averaged more than 7% per annum since 2003… That is more than triple what the US government states for inflation. If accounted for properly the real decline in a typical household’s net worth is well higher than 50%!
But, whatever happened to Barack O’Bomber’s “Hope and Change”? Well, the hope was just that and the “change” was more like “chains”.
But he was the first black slave owner (President) they shouted with glee! First of all, he’s half-black… his mother was white so he is as much white as he is black. But his hair is kinda frizzy so okay, let’s just call him black.
But, for blacks, the current “black” president has been an even worse disaster than for any other racial group:
Life under Obama has been so bad for blacks the Obama phone lady has already recanted her support and remember the woman who was so excited that Obama was going to “pay for my gas and my mortgage”? She woke up too.
And, while the typical US household’s net worth has been decimated the employment situation has not been this bad in over 30 years. American’s aren’t working as lamestream media would mislead you to believe.
Now and then I tune into the lamestream media and I notice increasingly that not even the talking heads believe the propaganda they spew in exchange for a paycheck and benefits. The philosophy seems to be if they just keep telling people repeatedly that things are improving it will eventually come true. Not true.
The “official” (read: untrue) unemployment rate is below 6% now. As USA Today once wrote, “…one really can say that our long national post-financial crisis nightmare is over.” These are lies. The percentage of Americans actually working is between 50 and 60%, as the above chart shows. The unemployment number, on the surface, is a farce.
The federal government does not include the millions of unemployed Americans who no longer want a job and have thus “left the labor force.” The employment-population ratio has now been under 59 percent for 51 months in a row.
The so-called “inactivity rate” for men in their prime working years — from 25 to 54 — hit a brand new all-time record last year.
The number of working age Americans without a job has increased by a total of 27 million since the year 2000. One out of every four part-time workers in America is living below the poverty line and, according to Social Security Administration, 40 percent of US workers make under $20,000 per year. Even The New York Times has admitted that long-term unemployment in America is up by 213% since 2007.
If Americans weren’t so distracted by steroidal gladiators giving each other concussions, murdering people and beating their wives (the league will punish you more for marijuana smoking than beating a woman) – a.k.a. the NFL – maybe they’d notice the clear trends which spell the end of their civilization. As economist Tim Kane illustrates, startup jobs per 1000 per Americans break down as such in terms of recent presidencies:
Bush Sr.: 11.3
Clinton: 11.2
Bush Jr.: 10.8
Obama: 7.8
The gap between the rich and the poor is at an all-time high mainly due to the fact that all the money printing/counterfeiting (aka QE) has gone into assets mostly held by wealthier people who already own those assets.
They call it a “recovery” but what it really is is a “Keynesian Recovery”. For those who don’t know what Keynesianism is, it is a form of brain damage that makes you believe that by counterfeiting more money and manipulating interest rates that you can improve an economy.
But the true stats are clear, a Keynesian recovery is only good for the super rich. Stock markets are rising but your average person isn’t in the stock market. They got wiped out in the last Keynesian recovery collapse in 2000.
Worse yet, while your average household is losing most of its assets, unemployed, on government assistance (1 in 6 Americans are on food stamps) and awakening to the fact that they live in a totalitarian police state the costs of the things they need are rising dramatically.

The price of food has more than doubled since 2000 according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
If this is a “recovery” then imagine how bad the next collapse will be! And, that collapse is coming.
What will happen as things get worse? The Keynesian gatekeepers will print more money to “help” the economy, sending it into hyperinflation. So buy bullion, bullets and bud and learn how to invest in things like bullion,precious metals stocks and “bud” – medical marijuana – which will see massive growth even in a terrible depression). And, better yet, if you have the ability, just get out of the US!
If you thought a “Keynesian Recovery” was bad you won’t believe how horrific a “Keynesian
Depression” is and we are about to get it good and hard.
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