Investing Offshore – Why Residents Invest ‘Offshore’
Arranging your financial affairs to you best advantage is similar to a game of chess.
But unlike chess, the rules concerning your finances are constantly changing and becoming more complicated. When you invest ‘onshore’ you have absolutely no financial privacy and woefully inadequate asset protection against creditors or predators.
When you work with qualified experts offshore, like the Queen in a game of chess, you will enjoy the power, privacy, protection and the freedom to move as far as you wish in any direction.
You’ve read about the ‘litigation explosion‘ in the US… Modern legal precedents encourage frivolous lawsuits that often result in outrageous settlements.
When there’s a possibility that you might lose everything you’ve worked for because of some ‘frivolous’ lawsuit, does it matter whether we call them ‘creditors’ or ‘predators’ or who is ‘right’ or ‘wrong?’
By having assets out of your home country, you can achieve substantial asset protection from illegitimate creditors and predators. You can make your wealth invisible to others!
The offshore investment community in Costa Rica is growing rapidly. It is happening because there is considerably less bureaucratic burden and unnecessary legal expense. In other words, it is efficient. Business will always flow to the most efficient environment and money will always go where it’s treated best.
Costa Rica has everything that a sophisticated, international investor needs in an offshore financial center.
It’s a beautiful, stable and peaceful country with good privacy laws, hard working, qualified professionals who will ensure that your assets are protected properly and, zero taxes in Costa Rica for those international investors who make their profits outside the country.
Companies like Intel and Proctor & Gamble have made huge investments here and the professional services firms are now moving their operations out of San Jose towards Escazu and Santa Ana where you will find KPMG, Bristol Myers, Western Union, Unisys and Cisco Systems.
You must however find legal and tax professionals that are qualified to help you invest offshore safely, privately and profitably.
Please also remember that not all nationalities are able to legally invest offshore ‘tax-free’ and if you are an American citizen or a ‘Resident Alien’ – you really do need qualified expert assistance to help you legally avoid as many taxes as possible.
If you are a sophisticated international investor who wishes to discuss how to invest offshore safely, privately and profitably in the world’s most respected offshore hedge funds than please Contact Us
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