Is The Secret To Your Health Problem To Be Found In Your Hair?
Few of us enjoy listening to the gory details of someone’s medical problems but since numerous health problems can be triggered by this “Biochemical Train Wreck in Your Body“, I thought it would be worthwhile mentioning how we discovered this “train wreck” in my body and show you how you can check for it too.
This simple, safe and very affordable test is something you can do at home and, it could possibly save your life…
This article has nothing to do with Costa Rica except for that fact that what I had done with a specially trained, holistic dentist cost me way less than half of what it would have cost me in the U.S.
I try to do some sort of a cleanse on a regular basis and after suffering from some puzzling symptoms I decided to implement something I have wanted to do for a long time which was to remove of all of the fillings in my mouth.
As you probably know; “Dental amalgams are comprised of 50 percent elemental mercury” and I simply did not want that anywhere in my body…
Mercury overload can even lead to major neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease so this was going to be a serious and the most expensive cleansing.
There were only about six fillings so it wasn’t a huge ordeal but, if you ever had any doubts about the toxicity of what dentists put into your teeth – just inches away from your brain – you won’t after you see what equipment the dentists uses and what protection you and they must wear when you have them professionally removed.
This process was completed a few months ago, there are no metal fillings of any kind in my mouth and I decided to do a test to see if indeed this had been one of those mystery problems that few of us know nothing about …
But, as you will clearly see from the high levels of mercury in the test results image below there was a very unpleasant surprise waiting for me…

And this test was done after we had removed all mercury fillings from my mouth but it takes time for the body to adjust and, for that adjustment to show up in the hair…
A company called was recommended to me and I communicated by email with Dr. Keri Dennis who was most helpful and communicative… The hair analysis process which you do at home is simple, it’s quick and all things considered, remarkably affordable.
Here’s what Dr. Keri Dennis told me:
“Hair analysis provides a very accurate reading of what is being held at a “cellular” level in the body, and can often give more insight than other types of testing. Blood analysis for instance, can give a indicator of what is circulating over recent days in the blood stream, but even a person’s diet can greatly affect what is reported in a blood test.
For instance, just eating several bananas in the morning will often elevate the potassium readings in the body… providing a completely different test in the afternoon.
That is why many cases of mercury poisoning often go unrecognized. Mercury is considered a “Heavy Metal”, and such will displace other lighter weight minerals and trace elements in the body that are essential for healthy organ functioning.
So a person might think they have a mineral deficiency, and then believe that they simply need to use supplements to correct the issue. But silently in the background a poison like mercury (or lead, arsenic, cadmium etc.) will continue to wreck havoc because they are locked away in the body’s tissues, displacing the vital elements that are essential for the organs effected to be able to properly do their job.
Hair analysis is also a helpful screening tool, that can provide insight into potential conditions that are often directly related to heavy metals and mineral imbalances… or at the very least greatly aggravated by them. Many conditions have common mineral patterns, so even if a person isn’t experiencing them they can get insight into conditions that often warrant further investigation, using tests that are specific to those particular issues.
Adrenal Fatigue, Autism, Arthritis, Wilson’s Disease, Hormone Deficiencies, Thyroid Imbalances, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromylagia, Headaches, Neuromuscular Disorders, Memory Issues, Candida, Digestive Issues, Osteoporosis trends and more, just to name a few. It is often easier to address an issue before it fully manifests, if a person’s specific biochemistry or genetic makeup has a tendency towards those kinds of conditions.
Beyond hair analysis, there is also the detoxification process. That is why it is recommended to work with someone experienced in the issues involved with nutritional imbalances. Dr. Dennis works with her clients by phone and email to implement a detoxification program based on what is discovered in the hair analysis report.
The detoxification or recovery program will often involve a nutritional program. Then, depending on the kind of toxicities or deficiencies that are discovered, supplements are often recommended that are specific to the imbalances discovered.
In the case of Mercury poisoning, Zeolite and Chlorella are also often used. A health checkup by hair analysis can then be done 4 – 6 months later to confirm any changes that have occurred, and even adjust the program if required.
For the busy traveler, the hair analysis kit website also features a “Download & Print” hair analysis kit, that includes a set of instructions for preparing a hair sample. Then, it is sent off to the lab and once analyzed, a report is sent by email which contains about 18 pages of charts and information regarding any issues that are discovered.
The first step in reaching one’s health objectives is to discover what is keeping them from their optimum health and vitality. The second step is knowing what to do about it…”
Thank you Dr. Dennis.
These results were only received a week ago before my wife and I travelled to Guatemala so now, based on the expert medical advice from Dr. Keri Dennis we will focus on eliminating this toxin from my system.
You can find a trained and qualified dentist from the following list:
- International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT)
- International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM)
- Holistic Dental Association
- Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (DAMS)
- Huggins Applied Healing
Hair Analysis Testing for Heavy Metals and Minerals
1700 7th Ave Ste 116. PMB 202
Seattle, WA 98101
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Written by Dr. Keri Dennis and Scott Oliver, author of 1: How To Buy Costa Rica Real Estate Without Losing Your Camisa, 2: Costa Rica’s Guide To Making Money Offshore and 3. ¿Cómo Comprar Bienes Raíces en Costa Rica, Sin Perder Su Camisa?

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