Stop for a meal at any of the restaurants nestled along the coast of Costa Rica and you are likely to find plenty of fish dishes on the menu.

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In particular, you will find ample amounts of options for mahi-mahi and red snapper. Yet, one of the problems that some chefs in Costa Rica have noticed is a disconnect between what is served in many of the restaurants and the many types of fish available in the waters just off the coast.

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Fishing boats in the area have a practice of regularly hauling in mahi-mahi and red snapper for provision to exporters. As a result, local chefs who wish to serve a larger variety in their own restaurants have been forced in the past to actually purchase foreign fish. For most chefs, the situation can be quite frustrating because local fishermen simply do not fish for anything other than what the exporters will buy.

As a result, Costa Rica has developed a strong reputation for posh retreats and adventurous activities, but not so much for its food. Even Frommer’s has described the local cuisine as not particularly memorable. With the exclusion of chains that have a distinct American-style flavor, the culinary scene in Costa Rica has traditionally tended to favor high-end resort restaurants and local ‘sodas’ or diners.

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Despite that tradition, an increasing number of restaurants in Costa Rica are now seeking to make a difference and have wholeheartedly welcomed the idea of what has been termed as the locavore movement. At the heart of this new movement is the application of both technical skill and creativity to Costa Rica’s unique domestic flavors.

A locavore is a person interested in eating food that is locally produced, not moved long distances to market. One often cited, but not universal, definition of “local” food is food grown within 100 miles of its point of purchase or consumption.

Product C is just one result of this new movement. What originally began as a fresh-fish shop just a few years ago has now expanded to include two restaurants that specialize in a wealth of menu options. Additionally, Product C also boasts a distribution channel that provides local chefs with options that were previously unavailable.

The company only works with fishermen who are committed to sustainable fishing methods and who also specialize in catching the wide array of fish available just off the coast of Costa Rica.

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As a result, visitors and residents of Costa Rica are now able to enjoy a range of restaurants throughout the country that serve up locally grown foods rather than exporting them. One such restaurant is Doris Metropolitan. High-end Costa Rican restaurants have exercised a pattern in the past of purchasing beef from Argentina or the United States due to the toughness for which homegrown beef has become so well known.

Doris Metropolitan takes a completely different approach to the problem by actually contracting with a local farm to raise cattle to its own specifications. The result is beef that has more marbling, tenderness, and taste.

La Pecora Nera, an Italian open-air restaurant just out of Puerto Viejo, has developed a reputation for serving dishes created with ingredients that are primarily locally grown. Only wine and limited other necessities are imported.

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As the concept of locavore continues to sweep through Costa Rica, it has gained continued support. There is now even a plan underway by the Club de la Gastronomía Epicúrea to implement a national plan to promote the use of locally grown ingredients. The timing for such a campaign could not be more provident.

In recent years, the restaurant scene in Costa Rica has grown at an exponential rate. That growth rate is in large part due to an ever-growing number of young professionals who prefer to dine out. Thanks to the willingness of Costa Rican restaurants to embrace locavore, there are now more options for the growing class of diners in Costa Rica than ever.

Locavore Continues to Sweep Through Costa Rica

Article/Property ID Number 4674

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