Murder in a Mansion
The heavy ornate door opened without a sound as we entered the magnificent reception
hall of the Club Union in downtown San Jose. We found ourselves speaking in hushed
The marble floors, the exquisite works of art, the grand spiral staircase
accentuating a three-story cascading crystal chandelier – it all seemed to prompt
our best behavior. Frivolity and raucous laughter seemed out of place in this
opulence. After all, we were there to solve a murder!
Who knew crime could be such fun. The prestigious Club
Union has graciously opened its doors to include non-members in their
Murder Mystery Dinner Parties, ably produced by Vicky Kieke. I had attended Mystery
Dinner Theatre in the United States and Vicki introduced me to a new format. Instead
of professional actors presenting the mystery to be solved, the diners were the
cast members in the whodunit.
We sat at tables of eight. Each of us had been pre-assigned a character by the
producer who encouraged us to “costume” – dress the part. Remember the
saying, “Clothes make the man/woman”. Years of experience in the theatre
has taught me that donning a costume does make playing “let’s pretend”
much more fun. So, there we were – eight of us dining at the Captain’s table on
a cruise ship – but there was no captain.
The captain was missing; only his hat had been found. Murder was suspected.
Between courses of a superb dinner we surreptitiously read our individual scripts
and instructions. Dinner conversation revealed that each one of us had a grudge
against the captain. We were all suspect.
Was the murderer sitting next to me?
I discovered that my sleuthing skills did not stand the test of time. In the first
5 minutes, I knew who-dun-it. And then, as the evening wore on, I got completely
lost in the tangled web of clever clues. The only thing I knew for certain was
that I didn’t do it. But then, everyone says that, don’t they?
A Murder Mystery Dinner Party at the Club Union makes a fun Saturday evening.
Organize a party and reserve a table of eight or make a reservation for yourself.
Couples and single sleuths will be seated in groupings of eight.
For information and reservations contact Vicky Kieke at 506 203-3652. It is a
wonderful opportunity to enjoy the ambience and cuisine of this internationally
famous and historic private club. You may even decide to become a member of the
Club Union.
Club Union has been a tradition in downtown San Jose since 1923. Men and women
who are leaders in business and politics find it the perfect setting for dining
and socializing. It’s definitely a gathering place for the movers and the shakers.
Club Union is an international reciprocal club. Membership is honored at reciprocal
clubs in Central America, United States, Canada, England, Spain, France, Belgium,
Australia and several South American countries.
Are you capable of murder? Satisfy that secret longing to be an actor without
the pain of auditioning by participating in a Murder Mystery Dinner Evening at
the Club Union and find out. It’s another reason
Elanna Donovan, a freelance writer, attributes her move to Costa Rica in November,
2004 to a sense of adventure and an aversion to stagnation.
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