Retirement in Costa Rica. Paradise does exist…
At sixty nine years and counting, an old friend asked for the previous years update and a few comments regarding the next twelve months and beyond.
We are both regarded as “old farts.” So from this perspective, I reply that “Fart is the Wind beneath the Wings of Wisdom, but it is enabled only when attached to the prefix, Old.”
My beautiful and loving wife, Cindy (definitely not old) and I are embracing our sixth year as expatriate “Tingos” as we evolve gradually from Gringos to Ticos within the verdant mountains of Costa Rica.
We are continuing a dedicated sojourn to a lifestyle described as “Self Sufficient Within Walking Distance.” Self sufficiency means growing much of our own food, and walking means not having a car.
Subsistence farming has proved to require a daunting learning curve; however, the resulting “Agripoetry” nourishes the soul as well as the palate. Walking plus an excellent bus system has become a welcome sense of freedom that was most unexpected.
To the “Civilized” world, the automobile is that which defines personal independence. We beg to differ, but to argue the point can only be done with those who have experienced a similar way of life to ours.
Cindy is actively hiking 27 minutes daily (her record) up to the hilltop above the cabina while yours truly gasps a few halting steps behind. This seems to be the best medicine.
My blood pressure was a bit high a month ago, but a week later it was 124/80 after the morning hike. Also weight loss has continued to the effect that “Dad’s Shelf” has disappeared and there are four little holes looking down at my belt to the left of the buckle.
For years, I have referred to Cindy as having the figure of an eighteen year old. No More. She is down to a petite size 2. Since so many teenagers on the internet resemble little sisters of the Michelin Man sans goggles, Cindy now is a fourteen year old.
As a reflection to commence the New Year, the following is humbly offered:
Paradise Does Exist.
Paradise does exist.
It exists in the heart and mind and it is wonderful to behold.
We experience paradise when we smell Carmen’s pink rose as we buy her eggs.
We experience paradise when little Steven next door asks for a hug as he departs from drawing his pictures on our coffee table.
We experience paradise as we watch Cindy’s broccolis form their heads.
We experience hugs and more hugs from all the neighbors as we go about the walk down the mountain to town.
When we dwell within a spirit of gratitude, every moment fills us to overflowing in the sunlight of paradise.
When we count our blessings, the key to the future opens our hearts and we absolutely know that love is the answer to it all.

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Written by VIP Member Larry Windes, January 2013. Larry is a retired architect who has designed and built projects in dozens of countries around the world and Cindy was a computer teacher and administrator for a semi-conductor design center and they both now live in Costa Rica.
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