There Is Always An Opportunity Somewhere – Today it is Costa Rica!
When I worked on Wall Street (before they started stealing trillions of dollars from Main Street and the rest of the world) the research department at Drexel Burnham Lambert was absolutely the best I ever came across and whether it was a bull market (trending higher) or a bear market (trending lower), our head of research regularly reminded us that “there is always an opportunity somewhere”.
Although it can be difficult to remain positive seeing the sad state of affairs in the world today, “there is always an opportunity somewhere” and, in looking at how this big little country called Costa Rica has managed it’s affairs over the last ten years, it’s not difficult to come to the conclusion that “opportunity” is right here and right now in Costa Rica, this land of stunning scenery, sunshine and smiles.
Thanks to the presence of some of the most innovative companies in the world today Costa Rica has become a major player in high-technology manufacturing, medical technology manufacturing, professional services and believe it or not, the development of advanced plasma rocket propulsion technology for space travel!
Since the year 2000 the number of companies in Costa Rica’s manufacturing sector has increased by 83%, Costa Rica’s medical devices sector has increased by 288% and the services sector has increased by 1,760%
Costa Rica’s NASA Astronaut – A veteran of seven Space Shuttle missions.
Ad Astra is a rocket propulsion company dedicated to the development of advanced plasma rocket propulsion technology. It was started by Franklin Ramón Chang Díaz* a Costa Rican-American engineer, physicist and former NASA astronaut who is a veteran of seven Space Shuttle missions. His ambitious goal is to revolutionize space transportation and exploration, through the development and commercialization of the VASIMR® engine and related technologies.
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics named the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) among the top 10 emerging aerospace technologies of 2009 and aerospace experts believe that a 200 Mega Watt VASIMR® powered space ship could make the trip to Mars in as few as 39 days.
In an effort to help bolster this new industry, Costa Rica’s President Laura Chinchilla is seeking to attract more investment from aerospace companies and this week signed a decree creating the National Council of Aerospace Industry which will be chaired by Clotilde Fonseca, Minister of Science and Technology.
The World Bank Looks At Costa Rica With “Admiration.
In an interview this week, the World Bank Director for Central America Laura Frigenti was asked about the the prospects for Costa Rica this year, she answered: “They are very good. We at the World Bank, look at Costa Rica with a lot of admiration. It is a country that has much to offer the world in terms of good policies, results, particularly in the areas of social policy, debt and openness to foreign direct investment.”
And you saw in the news this week that out of 65 countries, a young Tico – Rafael Angel Rodríguez Arguedas – just won the Gold medal in the World Olympics for Chemistry? He beat other very talented contenders from countries that have typically performed well in this field including the USA, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.
Good things are happening in Costa Rica, come be a part of it!
Useful Links.
- VIP Members can find a list of US Companies Doing Business in Costa Rica in our Download Library here.
- You can see a PBS video of Franklin Chang-Díaz here.
- You can read a PBS Q&A session with Franklin Chang-Díaz here.
- You can read a PBS interview with Franklin Chang-Díaz here.

Written by Scott Oliver, author of 1. Costa Rica Real Estate Scams & How To Avoid Them, 2. How To Buy Costa Rica Real Estate Without Losing Your Camisa, and 3. Costa Rica’s Guide To Making Money Offshore.
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