Why More Americans Are Leaving America To Live In Costa Rica
Many Americans have the perception that they are living in the best, most free and democratic place in the world.
They believe that they are the best educated, most literate, have the most comprehensive health care system and live the longest.
However, more and more Americans are looking behind the glossy headlines to discover that the perception does not quite match up to the reality.
The top-earning 1% of US taxpayers are leaving the USA at the highest rate in history and it’s partially a problem of perception.
Although they may have left their investments behind in years gone by, because of changes in legislation,
there has been a dramatic increase in the number of Americans who are
not only expatriating but, they are taking 100% of their cash
assets with them when they leave. These are the US Taxpatriates.
“If only the top-earning 1% of taxpayers were to leave the USA permanently, we would all be in a world of hurt, since those who remain would face a greater than 50% tax increase, just to stay even.
Without that 1% of the wealthiest Americans, every remaining taxpayer would have to pay over 50% more in taxes to equal what was lost. Can you afford that?”
is a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare
nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources
as the CIA World Factbook, United Nations, World Health Organization,
World Bank, World Resources Institute, UNESCO, UNICEF and OECD.
The NationMaster.com facts may change your perception:
American has the world’s fourth largest population and is:
#1 for military expenditures – More than five times as much as #2 – China
#1 for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction per capita
#1 for the number of rapes
#1 for teenage pregnancies
#1 for total number of divorces
#1 for CO2 emissions
#1 for CO2 emissions from fossil fuels 2000 (per capita)
#1 for electricity consumption
#1 for nuclear energy consumption
#1 for oil imports
#1 for total energy usage per person
#1 for municipal waste per capita
#1 for nuclear waste pollution
#1 for the number of threatened species
#1 the largest debtor in the world (This listing needs updating)
#1 for firearm discharge
#1 the highest divorce rate
#1 for total crimes committed
#1 when it comes to adults prosecuted for crimes
#1 when it comes to the numbers of their population in prison – Over two million! 34% more than China which has 241% more people
#1 when it comes to the number of criminal record holders
#1 for plastic surgery procedures and
#1 for the amount of money spent on heal thcare yet
#46 for life expectancy and there are estimated to be about 45 million Americans that do not have any health insurance
#2 for the number of abortions
#2 for heart attacks and
#2 for asthma sufferers
America is not even in the top 30 for public spending on public education so it’s not surprising that it’s …
#14 for duration of education and…
#47 for total education spending and
#14 for school life expectancy and
#68 for the percentage ‘literacy’ level of the population
#11 for unemployment
#6 in the world for the total number of murders
#3 for the total number executions along with our democratic ‘friends’ in China, Congo and Iran
#13 for social security expenditure as % of GDP
#98 for GDP real growth rate
#1 for soft drink consumption
#1 for the number of television hours watched
Admit it! You are a little surprised aren’t you? It gives
you an idea why the rest of the world is not interested in us
spreading our freedom and democracy all over their part of the
globe, they know that the American dream is no longer a dream.
The perception of America by other, non-US peoples has
changed dramatically over the last five years. According to numerous
polls done in non-US countries, the vast majority of people outside the
USA now see American politicians as lying, greedy, arrogant,
conceited, bullying warmongers hell-bent on needless destruction to
protect their special interests.
Based on US actions over the past decade, how could any knowledgeable person (who doesn’t work for the the US war machine) disagree with that!
Thankfully, in the Pew poll for example, the “attitudes about the United States focused on the Bush administration, not on the American people themselves.”
Non-US people on the street still think that the average American is a good guy but their opinion of the people running our country is a whole different ballgame.
Andrew Kohut, the director of the Pew Center stated that: “Perhaps one of the most striking findings in the survey is that China now has a better image among the publics — European publics — than does the United States,” he said.
Now that has to come as a surprise…
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Written by Charlie McCormack* who is ex-Special Forces now happily ‘retired’ in Costa Rica.
* Pen name.

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